
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




此次我们改造设计的是位于上海法租界湖南路上的鲁马滋自家烘焙咖啡店。 在印尼语里,鲁马滋是“朋友们”的意思,顾名思义,这也是中山先生开店的初衷——让大家在看似“局促”的空间里,因一杯咖啡而相遇、相谈,继而成为朋友。如今,咖啡店渐成商务场所,鲁马滋却依然保留其本味,如若朋友家的轻松氛围,充溢着咖啡的醇厚香气,在这里,每个人都可以全然放松自我。这不难解释了为何开业至今不过五年,鲁马滋就已在业界颇具知名度,令人趋之若鹜。 我们相信鲁马滋是一家拥有自身文化特质的咖啡店,所以在对店铺进行改造时,尽量承续其原有风格,而这种新旧交融的设计调性亦与法租界街道的氛围相协调。我们希望改造之后的鲁马滋依旧是大家所熟悉的那家咖啡店,同时还能让熟客们获得新的惊喜。
This tiny cafe is located in the french concession of downtown Shanghai. In Indonesian, Rumors means“friends”, which apparently is the philosophy of the shop. The relaxing atmosphere and insisting quality of serving for 5 years have led to fine reputation and business success for the cafe. Hence, during the renovation, the designers tried carefully to blend in the familiar characters of the original space with better finish and new spark of interest.
▽ 与法租界街道的氛围相协调的咖啡店,An tiny cafe locates in the french concession of downtown Shanghai

After a week of measurements: including functional details, facilities, operational preference, relation and interaction with the neighborhood… the team then started the designing process. Thin wooden lines repeatedly applied on the facade and curve lines appear in various forms internally are inspired by the classic art-deco glamour in the area, resonating with surroundings through a soft and unified visual character. Certain previous decoration and furnishings elements such as color tone of wall, lights and sofa chairs are carefully selected and reused so as to keep a continuous cognition for old customers.
▽ 平面图,Plan

改造前的店铺空间较为封闭,对于往来行人而言,无疑是较难辨别出其咖啡店属性的。我们认为改造后的店铺应具有开放性,不但可以让在外的行人看到店中,亦能让坐于店内的客人边品尝咖啡边欣赏街景。因此,在方案设计的前期阶段,我们与店主沟通了想法,提出让鲁马滋升级成一个“开放式的朋友家”,内外相连,热忱欢迎每一个来到这里的人。 空间功能改造上最大的变化是取消了原有的包间,将店面左侧设计成开放式外卖区及入口,外卖区的折叠窗户可以全部打开,咖啡师在为户外的客人制作咖啡时满溢而出的醇然香气,定会激起往来路人的伫足与好奇,无形之间亦解释了店铺属性。此外,入口过道的墙上细心设置了长条皮垫,可以满足站着喝咖啡的客人们随时倚靠的需求。店铺右侧的窗台式咖啡桌由整块胡桃木加工而成。当木质折叠窗全部打开后,内外空间便自然而然地连为一体。而细实木装饰条则使外立面更具质感,视觉上也更为整体。 在吧台前与咖啡师闲聊可谓鲁马滋的一大特色,所以,新吧台设计延续了该传统,胡桃木制成的流线型吧台不仅与护墙板相连,并作为视觉中心区域,和背景墙上的咖啡柜呼应。
The original space was rather concealing and enclosed to the pedestrian, which could be an issue for a cafe. New concept makes it possible to bring fresh air and openness to the space, allowing customers and passengers to have uninterrupted views of the environment of the street.
The compartment is replaced by an entrance and take-away area——a major change of the site plan, while all windows folded, the aroma of coffee making can be an osphretic sign for the cafe effortlessly. Further more, a long leather covered plank was installed as a leaning support for customers who choose to stand or order takeaways. Part of the window frame in the right front of the cafe is transformed into a long table made with single piece of walnut board. When windows are folded away, the interior and exterior spaces are melted into one dynamic space over the long table. The curved walnut bar connecting to wall panels anchors the whole space. While preparing the coffee behind the bar, random conversation are likely to be made between the barista and customers, which is a typical scene in Rumors.
▽ 更具开放性的咖啡店空间,The design brings fresh air and openness to the space

▽ 开放式外卖区及入口,The entrance and take-away area

▽ 当木质折叠窗全部打开后,内外空间便自然而然地连为一体,When windows are folded away, the interior and exterior spaces are melted into one dynamic space over the long table

值得一提的是,我们测量了各类咖啡瓶和手冲用具的尺寸,对全新的鲁马滋咖啡柜进行了合理的尺寸规划,并面向吧台客人,一目了然,方便咖啡师逐一介绍单品咖啡豆的品种、产地与烘焙程度。为了保留老客人所熟悉的座位与氛围感,我们将原来的一些软装物什再度纳入新空间中,如吧椅、吊灯、海派沙发椅等,甚至背景墙色调亦是沿用了原先的红色系。在设计手法上,我们从原法租界art deco建筑元素中获得诸多灵感,多处运用了弧线造型,对原空间里不规整且生硬的转角进行了弧形处理,使之更为柔和。实木吧台和墙面细木装饰条的边口设计成圆角,触感舒适,同时也令人迁想至咖啡豆特有的形状与柔和的香气。 每次骑车经过鲁马滋咖啡店时,总看到分坐在店内店外喝着咖啡的客人。原本不相识的他们坐在一起,互相聊天的场景就像是在 “朋友家”做客一样。而空间里建筑设计事务所一贯的理念就是营造这般富有生活趣味的场景,通过设计,能够将空间、人、事有机结合起来。湖南路是一条拥有着安静气质的小马路,鲁马滋选址于此,能够让喜欢咖啡的朋友们在这样的氛围里品味咖啡,停下来,暂离烦嚣,享受此刻的生活。
KUKANNAI studio believes tasteful atmosphere and lifestyle can be influenced and built through proper designs. Passing by the Rumors from time to time, one could easily notice the relaxing and friendly vibration generated by the combination of space, people and interaction. A scene within a scenery.
▽ 多处运用柔和弧线造型的内部空间,The interior space with curved elements

▽ 富有生活趣味的场景,The relaxing and friendly vibration

设计内容: 室内设计
用途: 店铺
地点: 上海市徐汇区湖南路9甲
面积: 22㎡
设计时间: 2016.5-6
竣工时间: 2016.7-8
设计师: 李萌、王少榕、王骁飞
施工: 上海飒噶建筑装饰工程有限公司
摄影: 加纳永一
Project Credits:
Desgin Category: Interior Design
Function: Commercial Space (Cafe)
Location: Shanghai
Site Area: 22㎡
Design Date: 2016.5-6
Complete Date: 2016.7-8
Architecture Firm: Kukannai
Design Team: Li Meng、Wang Shaorong、Wang Xiaofei
Builder: 上海飒噶建筑装饰工程有限公司
Photographer: EIICHI KANO






7mr°-阿源ヾ 2020-12-3 10:07 来自: 江西南昌
18892890573 2022-8-15 11:36 来自: 上海
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