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JUN Club is a private kitchen of newCantonese cuisine. The project is located in Chang'an Town, Dongguan City. Theclubhouse occupies the top floor of the entire building, covering an area of550 square meters. It is a quiet place in the rare noisy town center. Theclubhouse is composed of tea room, audio-visual room, restaurant box andmahjong room. The designer combines tradition and contemporary softness tocreate a design concept that subverts tradition JUN. The client of this projectinvited Mr. Lv Xiaoxu, the chief designer of Shenzhen Lv Xiaoxu Design andResearch Office, as the design of this project.


王国维先生的《人间词话》道出的人生三境界,不同的境界密不可分且层层递进。器美、空间美、意境美,或许这正好对应了空间的三种境界。一个空间的气质与韵味,从项目的选址那一刻就已经隐含在场地的血脉里了。设计师克服设计和施工上的操作难度,大胆地采用了远超正常尺寸的特制大尺寸的穿孔铝板。Mr. Wang Guowei's"Human Words and Words" tells the three realms of life. The differentrealms are inseparable and progressive. The beauty of instrument, space, andartistic conception may correspond to the three realms of space. Thetemperament and charm of a space have been hidden in the veins of the site fromthe moment the project site was selected. The designer overcomes the difficultyof design and construction and boldly uses a special large-size perforatedaluminum plate that is far beyond the normal size.


朱砂漆大门通过一种更加自然质朴的东方美学方式同时融合典雅轻奢的黄铜拉手,重新定义奢华和富饶。前台区的悬挂式台灯一束柔光,将人们的视线引向这个亮点突出的视觉效果从而增加了空间和物体的立体感。The door withcinnabar lacquer redefines luxury and richness through a more natural andsimple oriental aesthetic method while integrating elegant, light and luxuriousbrass handles. In the hanging desk lamp in the front desk area, a beam of softlight leads people's eyes to this bright spot, which enhances thethree-dimensional sense of space and objects.



方圆之间,皆是智慧,设计师将“方圆相济”的概念置于整个品茶区,以贯穿南面的屏风隔断成为视觉中心, 侧面则是以圆形的艺术装置强调了空间的主次和轴线关系,视线掩映隔而不断,虚中有实实中有虚,使整个空间趋于灵动,巧妙而又极具视觉冲击。Fangyuan between, iswisdom, designers put the concept of "square of economic" in thewhole area, tea in the north of the screen partition become the visual center,the side with the art of circular device emphasized the relationship betweenprimary and secondary axis and space, the line of sight is shaded lie betweenand continuously, and of virtual virtual, make whole space more clever, cleverand highly visual impact.

《辋川图》呈现了王维山居生活的理想,其中叙事性的连景处理法,符合游景山水的实际状态,并且呈现了庄园生活的内在悟道历程"Wang ChuanTu" presents Wang Wei's ideal of living in the mountains, in which thenarrative method of dealing with the scenery is in line with the actual stateof the scenery of the scenery, and it presents the inner enlightenment processof the manor life

JUN用现代的材料与传统的设计元素来演绎出富有建筑的古朴和端庄,也表现出一派安静而祥和的景象,品茶区背景的折叠屏风借鉴了辋川图的山水建筑,墙面的造型提取了山的元素,通过现代的材料跟艺术装置的手法来表现,形成独特的空间体验。JUN uses modernmaterials and traditional design elements to deduce the simplicity and dignityof the rich architecture, and also shows a quiet and peaceful scene. Thefolding screen in the background of the tea tasting area draws on the landscapearchitecture of Wangchuan map and the shape of the wall. The mountain elementsare extracted and expressed through modern materials and art installationtechniques to form a unique spatial experience.


Explore a kind offuture morphological conception, the confusion of illusion and reality, andexplore the possibility of change, about the advancement of space function toadapt to the times, the incomplete reciprocation of the sense of science andtechnology and the two-dimensional cultural structure, forming an independentfission. Complete self-breakthrough.


Blurring theboundaries of space The mirror surface stainless steel ceiling visuallyachieves the extension of the spatial scale through the reflection of themirror surface and light, and also allows the dull working mood to be reversedhere. The ambiguity of attributes makes mystery a desire to explore


The rhyme andinterest of the space are consistent with the local context and temperament,which not only creates the artistic characteristics of the space, but alsoconveys the ideal philosophy of human settlement

▲Plan 爆炸图

▲Plan 平面方案

项目名称 |JUN会所
ProjectName | JUN club
项目地点 |广东东莞
ProjectLocation | guangdong dongguan
建筑面积 |550㎡
ProjectArea | 550㎡
设计团队 |深圳吕晓旭设计研究室
DesignTeam | Shenzhen Lv Xiaoxu Design and Research Office
设计时间 |2020年7月
Designtime | July 2020
竣工时间 |2020年12月
Completiontime | December 2020
总设计师 |吕晓旭
ChiefDesigner | Lu Xiaoxu
摄影师 |沈锋
Photographer| Shen Feng
主要材料 |实心竹木纤维板  大理石  黄铜  镜面不锈钢   大理石瓷砖 定制穿孔铝板  
Mainmaterials | solid bamboo fiberboard, marble, brass, mirror stainless steel,marble tile, custom perforated aluminum plate

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Pahomova 2021-7-31 01:50 来自: 中国
haiya2086 2024-3-19 09:44 来自: 广西
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