MOOI ARCHIVE选址于南京新都市产业园,其场地前身是南京第二机床厂。作为金陵历史上的老牌明星工厂企业,如今已蜕变为引领创新发展的新锐产业园。设计团队保留厂房空间框架,在其中打造一处消融边界的原创概念餐吧,以新颖且开放的空间姿态,融入具有工业感的历史建筑风貌,创造适宜当代生活的社区商业空间。
MOOI ARCHIVE is located in Jiangsu Intelligent Manufacturing New City Park, whose site was formerly known as Nanjing Second Machine Tool Factory. As a historical old enterprise, it has now become a new industrial park. The design team preserved the old factory structure and created an original concept bar in which the boundaries are dissolved.
▼项目外观,exterior view ©ingallery
Due to the good street location, the design team used “disappear” and “blend in” as the design logic and “MOOI” (The meaning “beautiful” in Dutch) was used as a symbolic expression to further deepen the brand concept. The outdoor landscape is extended indoors and subtly integrated into the community life in the street, reproducing the imagination of “dining in the park” and bringing consumers a rare experience of close contact with nature.
▼融入街区里的社区生活的空间体验, the spatial experience subtly integrated into the community life in the street ©ingallery
Respecting the original space and providing a fresh feeling
At the beginning of the project, the design team wanted to respect the original appearance of the building while reducing the homogenized spatial design. How to find a new way to reconstruct the spatial framework, and how to reduce the heaviness of the building with a friendly and light experience, became the focus of the team’s thinking and vision.
▼空间分析图,spatial analysis ©triostudio
TRIOSTUDIO took “disappearance” as a clue through repeated structural rethinking, and built a steel frame inside the whole building with a special structural form to create an 8-meter-long bottomless support mechanism, suspending the back kitchen area on the second floor, cleverly dividing the dining space and functional space, and realizing the “dissolution” of the column into the space.
▼通透的厂房构架, spacious building structure ©ingallery
▼悬挑结构施工过程,construction process ©triostudio
The overhanging structural block is wrapped with mirror material to further integrate with the whole space. When consumers look up at the mirror, the second floor space looks like an invisible glass box, again echoing the idea of “disappearance”.
▼楼梯细部, details of the staircase ©ingallery
▼空间品牌标识,brand identity ©ingallery
The height of about 11 meters in the old factory building brings the possibility of creating open space. The frame of the old building becomes the façade of the restaurant, and the nesting of the old and new spaces allows the boundaries to melt away, creating the possibility of spatial extension.
▼餐吧夜间氛围,night atmosphere of the restaurant ©ingallery
▼用餐区,dining area ©ingallery
▼餐区环境的层次感,cascading spaces ©ingallery
Dissolve architectural boundaries and embrace nature
TRIOSTUDIO planted a 5-meter plum tree in the dining area, deeply blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor feelings, and adapting the greenery of the landscape to the industrial style of the space under the giant scale of the overhang. The space no longer emphasizes its own existence and “disappears” into the nature. The rich indoor and outdoor greenery eliminates the boundary between inside and outside of the concrete building, allowing customers to be in close contact with nature.
▼厅间绿树与空间的呼应,the echo of trees and space ©ingallery
The lighting design tries to simulate the dynamic sense of light like natural breathing, creating a sense of difference atmosphere for the space at different points of time. The light-sensing device captures different light from sunrise to sunset, triggering six different scenes of interior lighting. The switching of light echoes the rhythm of nature and interacts with the mirror reflection of the second floor space, more subtly dissolving the boundary and giving a dreamy experience like a game of time and space inside and outside the space.
▼室内灯光设计,interior lighting design ©ingallery
▼光线的切换呼应着自然的节奏,the switching of light echoes the rhythm of nature ©ingallery
Open street corners
The restaurant facade adopts frameless folding glass windows to create a transparent ground floor dining area in the form of an L-shaped semi-enclosure to meet the use of various seasons and occasions. On a sunny afternoon, neighborhood While the adults talk about the world, the children roam around the restaurant and release their childlike nature, just like in a park. The sense of nature provides a great atmosphere for the space and makes active exploration more interesting.
▼餐区近景,close-up view of the dining area ©ingallery
▼不同光线色彩的差异化氛围,differentiated atmosphere with different light colors ©ingallery
▼光线与空间局部的互动,the interaction of light and space ©ingallery
在一个曾经以工业生产为轴的场所里营造出新颖的活动肌理,MOOI ARCHIVE伫立在城市的园区街角,日与夜的多重空间体验让人愉悦。人们在此逐渐重构着自己与空间、街区及自然的联结感,也能感受到犹如社群般的独特体验。在趋于平淡的日常里,启发人们重新探寻一些新鲜的生活向往。
MOOI ARCHIVE stands on the corner of a city campus, creating a new atmosphere in an old place. It is a place where people reconstruct their sense of connection to space, neighborhood and nature, and where they can feel a unique experience like a community. In a daily life that tends to be humdrum, it inspires people to explore some new life aspirations.
▼夜间外观,night view of the appearance ©ingallery
▼一层平面图,1st floor plan ©triostudio
▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan ©triostudio
Project Name: MOOI ARCHIVE
Project Type: Restaurant
Design time: August 2021 – May 2022
Construction time: May 2022-September 2022
Project address: Nanking, Jiangsu
Project Status: Completed
Building area: 201m2
Photography Copyright: ingallery
Main materials: Texture coating, cork board, mirror board, stainless steel, polycarbonate PC board
Brand cooperation: WG Lighting
Landscape Collaboration: YIGE