Architects EAT是一家总部位于澳大利亚的室内设计工作室,由EID GOH和ALBERT MO共同成立于2000年。主要涉及从小户型住所到豪华宅邸、餐饮、公寓、办公等空间的设计,目前,Architects EAT团队仍在不断地成长。
Architects EAT is an Australia-based interior design studio founded in 2000 by EID GOH and ALBERT MO. Mainly involved in the design of small apartments to luxury mansions, restaurants, apartments, offices and other Spaces, the Architects EAT team is still growing.
Architects EAT旨在寻求全新的或具有创造性的工作方法来推动设计行业的发展,打造可塑性强、同时促进人际关系以及有着前瞻意识的场所空间,契合并适当地协调和引导居住者们的生活方式。
Architects EAT seeks new or creative ways of working to promote the development of the design industry, creating malleable, interpersonal and forward-looking Spaces that fit and appropriately coordinate and guide the lifestyle of its inhabitants.
工作室是由一群富有激情和匠心追求的建筑师以及室内设计师共同组成。虽然团队里每个人都有着各自的特点,但Architects EAT呈现的所有设计出品里,都是基于实际功用的设计原则和个体的核心价值观:真诚、激情、乐趣和创新。
The studio is composed of a group of architects and interior designers with passion and ingenuity. Although each member of the team has his or her own characteristics, all of the designs presented by Architects EAT are based on practical principles and individual core values: sincerity, passion, fun and innovation.
They always believe and firmly believe that every place carries the beautiful and complex traces of life left by human beings. Therefore, a great design work should be eternal, not just a temporary fashion pursuit.
“设计是如何发展的?”这是一个值得探讨的问题,在那些形态怪异的都市塔楼的阴影笼盖下,像Architects EAT这样充满创新性和热情的公司正在做的工作就是,结合项目所在场地的位置及其周围环境,设计出微妙而精致的、恰当的、具有审美性的舒适空间。
"How does design evolve?" It's a question worth asking, and the work being done by an innovative and enthusiastic firm like Architects EAT, under the shadowy enclosures of oddly shaped urban towers, is to combine the location of the project site with its surroundings to create subtle, sophisticated, appropriate and aesthetically comfortable Spaces.