项目名称:农场幼儿园 年份:2013 计划:幼儿园 地区:越南 同奈 场地面积:10650平方米 建筑面积:3800平方米 摄影:Hiroyuki Oki
Architect Firm:Vo Trong Nghia Architects Project name:Farming Kindergarten year:2013 Program:Kindergarten Location:Dongnai, Vietnam Site area:10,650 m2 GFA:3,800m2 Photographs:Hiroyuki Oki
历史上,越南是一个农业国家,但它正面临着向以经济为基础的制造业转变,同时给环境也带来了一定的影响。频发的干旱、洪水和盐碱化危害食品的供应,同时 大量的摩托车也造成了城市的日常拥堵现象和空气污染。快速发展的城市化剥夺了越南孩子的绿地和游乐场地,破坏了与自然的关系。
Vietnam historically an agricultural country is facing changes as it moves to a manufacturing based economy, taking its toll on the environment. Increased droughts, floods and salinization jeopardize food supplies, while numerous motorbikes cause daily congestion and air pollution in the cities. Rapid urbanization deprives Vietnamese children of green lands and playgrounds, thus relationship with nature.
农场幼儿园是应对这些问题的一个挑战。农场幼儿园位于一个大型的鞋厂旁。这是为工厂里500个工人的孩子设计的。人们认为这个设计是绿色屋顶的延续,为 孩子们提供了食物和种植体验,也是天空下游乐场地的延伸。
Farming Kindergarten is a challenge to counter these issues. Located next to a big shoe factory, and designed for 500 children of the factory's workers, the building is conceived as a continuous green roof, providing food and agriculture experience to children, as well as an extensive playground to the sky.
绿色屋顶是用一笔画成的三环的形状,里面嵌着三个作为安全游乐场地的庭院。最近,在其屋顶实现了实验蔬菜园的建造。五种不同的蔬菜种植在200平方米的 花园里,用于农业教学。
The green roof is a triple-ring shape drawn with a single stroke, encircling three courtyards inside as safe playgrounds. Recently, an experimental vegetable garden was realized on its top. Five different vegetables are planted in 200m2 garden for agriculture education.
所有功能都在这个屋顶下相互协调,适应着。从屋顶到庭院,中间有通道可以通向上层的和顶层的蔬菜园——这是孩子学习农业的重要性的地方,也是恢复与自然 的联系的地方。
All functions are accommodated under this roof. As the roof lowers to the courtyard it provides access to the upper level and vegetable gardens on top- the place where children learn the importance of agriculture and recover connection to nature.
环境战略 该建筑师由连续的狭长的木板和两边的可操作窗户构成的,这样的设计能最大程度上的通风和引进自然光。此外,建筑和机械节能的方法是全面适用的,包括 但不限于:绝缘的绿色屋顶,绿色的表面可作为遮阳处和太阳能加热器。这些设备是专门设计,而且在孩子们可持续的教育中也发挥着重要的作用。农场浪费的水 也被重新利用,用于灌溉绿化和冲马桶。因此,尽管位于热带气候位置,幼儿园的教室也不需要安装空调。根据竣工后10月的入住记录,相比于该建筑的基本线, 节省了25%的能源和40%的水,也极大的减少了运用成本。
Environmental strategies The building is made of a continuous narrow strip with two side operable windows which maximize the cross ventilation and natural lighting. Additionally, architectural and mechanical energy-saving methods are comprehensively applied including but not limited to: green roof as insulation, green facade as shading and solar water heating. These devices are designed visibly and play an important role in the children’s sustainable education. Factory wastewater are recycled to irrigate greenery and flush toilets.As a result, the kindergarten is operated without air conditioners in the classrooms despite being located in a harsh tropical climate. According to post-occupancy record issued 10 months after completion, the building saves 25% of energy and 40% of fresh water compared to baseline building performance, reducing its running cost greatly.
成本效益 该建筑是为工厂的低收入的工人设计的,因此建筑经费非常有限。所以,采用了当地的材料(比如,砖块,瓦片)和较低技术含量的建筑方式,这有助于最小化 对环境的影响,同时促进当地工业发展。由于简单的刚性经济材料框架的使用,每一平方米的建筑花费只需要500美元,包括表面材料和设备,这形成了一种低价 的竞争力,甚至是在越南市场也具有非常大的竞争力。
Cost-efficiency The building is designed for low-income factory workers' children, therefore construction budget is quite limited. Therefore, the combination of local materials (ex. bricks, tiles) and low-tech construction methods are applied, which also help minimize the environmental impact as well as promote local industry. Thanks to simple rigid frame with economical materials, the construction cost per one square meter is only 500 USD including finishes and equipment, which is competitively cheap even within the Vietnamese market.