本帖最后由 美绮 于 2015-7-13 14:01 编辑
project name:×××投资公司
Project nature:办公空间
project area:160㎡
Design agency:武汉轶琪
project location:中国武汉
设计说明:传承 以人为本 ,以人为设计的重要参考物,重视环境的功能性与艺术性。运用动与静的取舍,诠释设计理念。本案结合了传统与现代,将不同的元素在有限空间内进行精心的整合。通过韵律几何造形与线条的有机结合,运用现代简约主义手法的表现,以及时尚中式家俱饰品的相融……布局上层次分明,功能分区明显,以简洁的线条表现形式美,再配以恰到好处的灯光,营造出一个简洁明朗、自然通透的现代空间。用朴素的手法表现空间的本质,传达文化的内涵。
Design specification:Pass people-oriented, people-oriented design important reference material, attaches great importance to the environment of functional and artistic quality. Using dynamic and static trade-off, interprets the design concept. This case is a combination of traditional and modern, the different elements in elaborate integration within the limited space. Through the combination of geometric shape and line rhythm, using the modern minimalist style, and the mixture of the Chinese style furniture decoration... Structured layout, function partition, with concise line performance form, combined with proper lighting, create a concise and clear, natural appear a modern space. Use plain nature of space, convey the cultural connotation.