The proposal restores the flooded prairie landscape, over imposing it to an obsolete industrial layer adapted to bring life.
雷焦卡拉布里亚市政府希望重新开发这片工业遗址,将被遗弃的工业地带变成一个人与自然和谐相处的可持续生态地。grupo Aranea夺得了这个开发竞赛项目的一等奖。他们在消除工业痕迹恢复生态的同时,也不忘留下工业时代的部分遗址。通过引水“淹没”原来的景观,重新形成一个动植物的生态系统,候鸟也将重返,新物种将繁荣,而人们,将获得平衡的自然。
The age of non controlled exploitation is over. Saline Joniche was for too long obsessed with productivity, without evaluating the risks of this framework. The time for a healthy environmental balance against imposed actions has arrived. It′s time to bet for a rich renewed ecosystem, a compelling ecosystem capable of positioning itself as a worldwide reference of ecological coexistence. An ecosystem that will appeal a user worth of him, capable of giving true productivity to this place.
The proposal restores the freshwater prairie landscape, superimposing it to the obsolete industrial layer as a life support.The goal is the restoration of natural balance; to turn back the human abuse. During this long period of time, manmade footprints must be kept as they are, kept in memories, as a reminder for the future generations of the dangers of this kind of foolish attitudes. A shape shifting ecosystem is born, where the man must live in harmony, adapting himself to the landscape.