这一切源于台湾的两个启示:榕树-以台湾榕树灵感所启发出的树状结构将会包围着整个基地,创造出一个舒适的半户外开放空间。福尔摩沙-在城市中,一个300 米高的高空屋顶景观庭园将形成一个特别”绿洲”空间,同时它也代表台湾-福尔摩沙-的自然之美。21 世纪绿洲是台湾精神的最佳写照.
在300 米高的空中屋顶庭园,满满的绿意将会是所有群众目光的焦点,无论在远方或是就在近处,这里将会是一个新的都市地标,但更重要的是这里将会是以后台中市民城市中的绿洲,一个生活中悠闲的庭园。
巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔代表着法国在20 世纪初为世界文化中心的领导地位。在艾菲尔铁塔之后陆续也有许多高塔相继着建立完成。像是艾菲尔铁塔在20 世纪初所开启了现代主义精神的门,台湾塔也将会开启另一扇门,这里将会是21世纪的开端。这是前所未有的一个塔的类型。
Taiwan Tower "FORMOSA"
Our proposal for the Taiwan Tower, and the model for the Green-Architecture of the new generation, is the 21st Century Oasis
This Tower proposes a new Typology of a Tower akin to transparent cloud, mist and alike, which is unlike any other Towers in the past.
The 2 main source of Inspiration comes from Taiwan itself;
BANYAN TREE – Inspired by the Banyan trees, creating a comforting urban plaza like space under a tree, this place will be a beautifully pleasant public space for the people of Taichung, formed by transparent delicate structural frame.FORMOSA - Divine Taiwan island – Inspired by FORMOSA, the proposal presents a floating roof-top garden soaring 300m above ground, as a symbol of the divine island. From nature and culture of Taiwan itself, to the innovative design of the Tower for the new era.This Tower will symbolize not only Taiwan, but the Environmental era of the 21st century.
Roof-top Garden suspended 300m above ground level in the sky provides the people of Taichung with an Oasis in the city. This green-filled Garden will be visible from everywhere and will be a symbolic landmark and existence.