
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道

这座建筑是Schwäbisch Media (Swabian Media) 的办公大楼,Schwäbisch Media是一家活跃于传统与新媒体多个领域的出版公司。建筑由六个突出的玻璃墙立方体块构成,立方体的比例和尺度都根据周边传统的德国拉芬斯堡(Ravensburg)fachwerk别墅大小来确定。六个工作区域堆叠在首层的透明体块之上,首层体块中容纳了通往每个区域的通道,为这个中世纪城市中心塑造了一座新的城市建筑。公司以前分散在上斯瓦比亚(Upper Swabia)地区,新办公建筑使得整个公司350名员工能够聚集在同一个屋檐下。
This building is an office for Schwäbisch Media (Swabian Media), a publishing company active in many facets of traditional and new media. Six protruding glass-walled cubes define and compose the project, with their proportions and dimensions based on the surrounding traditional German fachwerk villas in the city of Ravensburg. These six working areas have been stacked on top of a transparent ground floor, through which access is afforded to each, creating a new urban typology in the center of this medieval city. As the company’s activities were previously scattered throughout the Upper Swabia region, this building brings all 350 employees under one roof.
▼建筑外观,exterior view of the project

▼建筑外立面使用电脑控制的遮阳板,a computer-controlled sunshade drapes the exterior

Wrapping the project’s perimeter is a silkscreen fritted glass fence varying in height from 1-4.5 m. This semi-transparent membrane provides additional security and features an oversized centrally located entrance in the form of an 8 m wide gate, opening during the day and closing at night. Lending a singular identity to the clustered volumes, this fence also allows the six individual working areas to be individually distinguished. Therefore, this new office can be perceived as both several individual buildings, sharing a common enclosing skin, and one continuous urban intervention that fluidly interweaves interior and exterior.
▼建筑外围使用丝网玻璃围栏,wrapping the project’s perimeter is a silkscreen fritted glass fence

▼建筑六个立方体块坐落在一个透明体量中,six cubes have been stacked on top of a transparent ground floor

▼玻璃立面细节,glass facade detail

Geothermal energy heats the interior, and a computer-controlled sunshade drapes the exteriors of the six glass-cubed working areas. Depending on the time of day, year, and exposure of the sun, an algorithm further determines which portions of the shading system should be lowered. Office employees can manually override these sunshades, expanding upon the building’s domestic character. The silkscreened print on the perimeter glass fence and ground floor, which recalls the image of curtains blowing in the wind, provides further protection from solar gain, while ensuring interior privacy for employees at street level.
▼建筑围墙内的室外活动场地,outdoor activity space inside the fence

▼玻璃围栏与遮阳板保证内部私密性,the glass fence and sunshades provide the privacy

▼丝网印刷玻璃围栏细节,detail of the silkscreened print glass

The working areas vary in floor height, and are connected by a series of outdoor terraces, which serve as external shortcuts, but also as communication and resting areas, between the many media departments. These exterior terraces activate the building, encouraging informal communication among the building’s employees, balancing with the generously open interior office spaces. The hybrid nature of the office’s column free interior spaces, and the raised floors throughout for IT and data cables, allows the building to remain flexible and adaptable to future uses. The building’s five staircases, parking garage, and most ceilings have been created using exposed concrete, supplemented with additional aluminum acoustic panels.
▼办公区入口空间,entrance of the working area

▼工作区,working area

▼会议室,meeting room

▼走廊空间,the corridor space

▼落地玻璃窗将景色引入室内,the floor-to-ceiling windows invite the view into the space

▼楼上空间及室外露台,upstairs space and outdoor terrace

▼走廊空间中设置休息的座位区,seating area in the walkway

▼楼上会议室空间,meeting room on the upper floor

▼天窗射入的自然光线照亮整个楼梯井,the natural light from the roof-ceiling lit up the stairs well






Dious家具龙江明 2019-3-16 13:58 来自: 中国
L380330081 Dious家具 龙
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