Mantab办公空间是S/LAB10最新的设计作品之一。项目业主是马来西亚吉隆坡的一家房地产开发公司,在最终的方案设计中,设计团队需要对现有建筑进行全面的内部检修,改造设计一个能够应对东南亚气候和本土化的办公室/工作空间。业主公司不仅需要一个能够容纳其不断扩增团队的办公空间,还需要一系列用于招待客户的空间。因此,现有的单体、多层住宅空间被改造为一个充满吸引力的私人企业中心,完美融合了商业与休闲功能。 Mantab Workplace is one of S/LAB10’s latest endeavours. Comprising a complete internal overhaul of an existing bungalow—the team was required to re-examine the office/workspace typology in a Southeast Asian climate and locality for a local property development company in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in producing the final design scheme. The firm required not just a workspace for its growing team, but also a series of spaces for hosting and entertaining their clients. As such, the existing single unit, multi-storey former residence was transformed into a gleaming corporate hub for a private entity that seamlessly integrates business and leisure. ▼Mantab办公空间外观,exterior view of Mantab Workplace
▼开窗效果,half-shut exterior
Mantab最引人注目的就是它明亮而大胆的外观。包裹着内部空间的金色铜立面从地面升起,在郊区街道上若隐若现。三角形哑光面和高抛光的铜合金表面似乎是随机布置的,但实际上是设计师根据企业名字和品牌概念而设计的。在马来语中,“mantab”意味着坚定、不可动摇的正直。设计师将企业名字的含义与钻石的坚硬联系起来,钻石每一个切面都不相同,却有着无可挑剔的刚硬之美。同时设计师受马来西亚商店铁皮百叶窗启发,金色铜合金折叠面板采用铰链式,具有可控制性。无论是从内部能够窥探到郊区景色的半封闭状态,还是为了保护隐私、阻挡热带强烈阳光照射的全封闭状态,立面都是引人注目且充满魅力的,能够吸引游客对内部空间产生好奇。 What stands out in particular in Mantab Workplace is its gleaming bold façade. Looming over the quiet suburban street, the gold-copper alloy façade rises up from the building’s ground level in shielding its interior furtively. The triangulated facets of the matte-and highly polished finishing of gold-copper alloy are seemingly arbitrary–but in essence are conceptually extrapolated from the corporation’s name and brand. Translated from Malay language, “mantab” means solidity; an unshakeable integrity. The designers likened this to the hardiness of a diamond—with no single facet on the jewel alike, yet abound with impeccably hardy beauty. Inspired as well by the Malaysian shophouse vernacular of folding iron shutters, the gold-copper alloy clad folding panels are hinged and operable. Whether angled half-shut with its interiors peeking out to its suburban extents, or closed in entirety for privacy and to keep out the glare of tropical light out—the façade is eye-catching and captivating, with the allure of it leaving many a visitor guessing what lies within. ▼建筑采用金色铜面板结构,the building used the gold-copper alloy clad folding panels
设计要求非常特殊:在建筑内部设计一系列的空间,满足从商业到社交的不同用途。因此,S/LAB10的任务是改变和挑战办公空间的标准。新设计的方案包括公司三位主管的办公室、一个展览空间和许多用来接待客户的休闲区域。设计团队试图设计一个不仅能满足上述要求,并且功能实用、具有视觉冲击力的综合性设计方案。项目保留了建筑原有的基本结构(这个结构非常有助于处理场地自然陡峭的斜坡)。这是一个精巧整合了体量,对比性表面、材料、肌理以及用途和复杂细节设计的空间。在现有结构框架中,表面及体量元素的处理手法,在充满力量及感官刺激的空间体验和贯穿始终的设计语言中,达到了极致。自信、醒目的建筑表现形式和对客户而言充满识别性的布置,被谨慎地容纳到现有建筑之中。 The design brief was unusual: to create a series of spaces within the building to suit a variety of purposes that ranged from business to social. Thus, S/LAB10 was tasked to revise and challenge the norms of an office typology. The new programme was to include offices for the company’s three directors as well a display gallery and numerous leisure spaces for hosting clients. The team sought to fulfil the client’s requirements by delivering a design that not only re-worked the aforementioned, but also resulted in a comprehensive design scheme that was both visually striking and practical in its function. The project inherits the house’s basic structure (which proved advantageous in dealing with the site’s naturally steep incline). In place, is a dexterous play of cantilevering volumes, contrasting surfaces, materials and texture, as well as the considered use and design of intricate details throughout. The consolidation of the building’s existing structural framework with a bold play of surface and volumetric elements culminates in a strong, sensual spatial experience and language throughout. And subsequently, a confident, bold architectural presence and visual identity for the client prudently set within the existing building’s typology. ▼充满对比性的表面、材料、肌理,contrasting surfaces, materials and texture
▼入口空间,entrance space
▼从入口空间望向景观区域,view from the entrance space to the landscape
▼用于接待客户的休闲空间,leisure space for hosting clients
在满足业主特殊而复杂要求的过程中,S/LAB10团队意识到项目的关键性挑战是设计一个简单的空间方案,但能够满足复杂的要求。对比是设计师在达成设计要求时所采用的关键设计策略。这是一个大胆有序的对比主题,或者如设计师所说,是一种“有意识的非匹配性”,这一策略贯穿了整个空间设计,如在空间体量处理,颜色、纹理、材料的对比,特别是在定制的细部构造中。设计师在空间划分、设计策略和元素方面都进行了细致地思考。典型的例子是二层空间(使用了白色环氧树脂地板)中央的会议室,会议室四周用厚重的翡翠绿色窗帘围合,在不使用会议室时,窗帘完全打开,形成一个中心开放的灵活空间。空间边界处一对细长框架的半透明拱形屏风,进一步开放了空间。这些半透明屏风设计独特、细节精致,柔和霓虹色的面板安装在纤细的黑色钢框中,可以作为展示架。从不同的方向看,屏风可以产生不同的效果,增加了空间趣味性和层次感,有时,半透明屏风层层重叠,色彩和轮廓与后部材料及装饰融为一体,产生一种独特的景象。 ▼柔和霓虹色的面板安装在纤细的黑色钢框中,进一步开放了空间,translucent panels of varying soft neon hues are encased in a thin black steel frame further opening the space
▼二层空间中心的会议室用翡翠绿色窗帘围合,the centrally positioned conference room on the first level surrounded by heavy but lush emerald-green privacy drapes
▼窗帘可以完全打开形成一个开放的灵活空间, left open when not in use, the curtains provide a flexible use of space that opens up the heart of the level
建筑上部两层空间使用了可移动的明亮金色铜窗框。关闭后,宽阔的金色铜窗框隐藏在高高的玻璃幕中,为后方的休息厅腾出空间。在这个空间的左侧是一个轻盈的木制体量,作为主入口标志并平衡整个立面。这个突出结构采用当地再生木材制造,在尺度上与立面形成对比并产生一种戏剧效果。设计师说:“我们想创造一个沉浸式的空间,提高人们进入空间的感知和体验。”两层高的舒适休息厅上方,是玻璃结构的主管办公室。在自然光线的照射下,办公室和休息厅都笼罩着一层柔和、温暖的光芒。沿着建筑的西南边缘,设计师在二层设计了一个室外绿色露台,名为“竹露台”。借助这种设计,自然和户外为精致的室内增添了微妙的特质。设计师通过创造性探索各种复杂的体块、空间布局以及多种手工定制的细部,成功塑造了一系列既具有私密性又具有开放性的工作和休闲空间,人们可以自然轻松地从一个空间进入到另一个空间。 ▼通向三层空间的楼梯,stairs to the upper floor
▼从楼梯看三层空间,view from the stairs to the second floor
▼等候区,waiting area
▼木材、玻璃围合的办公室,director offices enclosed by recycled wood and glass
▼空间细节,space detail