
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道





Lofts connected, reshape the space

▼长长的门廊从街边一直延伸到庭院,a succession of rooms that connect the street to the courtyard through a system of sliding doors and porticos

This project consists in the conversion of an 1880’s apartment into two lofts, located in the Sant Antoni district of Barcelona. A new housing scenery is created by a succession of rooms that connect the street to the courtyard through a system of sliding doors and porticos, reminiscent of the Japanese traditional house. The original dwelling was totally compartmentalized by corridors and rooms barely connected to each other and to the outside. The first intention was to open up the space and recuperating the original high ceilings by demolishing the existent partition walls, floor and ceilings, increasing the incidence of natural lighting and promoting ventilation.
▼厨房,the kitchen

Structure and program

The design takes advantage of the building existent structure, formed by a sequence of load-bearing walls and wooden beams, to create a simple and poetic language that generates a flexible program. The load walls were all altered to achieve a repetition of an ordered geometry which establishes the limits in-between the different rooms. New openings were set up by structural reinforcements and apertures that were no longer needed were filled in.
▼承重墙被改造成可滑动的门与墙体的组合模式,the load-bearing wall was transformed into a combination of sliding doors and walls

▼从卧室往客厅方向看去,view from the bedroom to the living room

为了满足住宅的功能需求,承重墙计划被重复修改了两次; 根据现存结构确定项目计划的同时,计划也影响着修改后的结构。在这两者间的相互作用下,一个崭新的、长达23米的、视觉通透的空间诞生了。
This element is built again twice to meet the dwelling functional requirements; therefore, the existent structure defines the program while the program defines the modified structure. With this intervention a new 23 meters long visual crosses the space.
▼通透的空间带来极佳的采光,the space that with excellent daylighting


Sliding doors and boundaries

▼木门开合后的空间变化,the space change after sliding wooden doors open and close

The boundaries between the different spaces have the same ratio of wall surface and aperture, which opens the possibility for installing chestnut sliding doors that completely cover the white walls when there are opened. This system generates flexible and diffuse limits that create a dynamic composition where the rooms can be completely, partially or non-related to each other. When doors are closed, each room is an entity in itself, whereas when the doors open, each room is part of a complete entity.
▼两侧门打开之后的卧室,bedrooms with open doors on both sides

Acting as light and shadow filters, the doors expand or contract the space while providing privacy to the inhabitants. These svelte elements give a new scale to the space emphasizing its vertical dimension. Another visual effect that provides the perception of being in a higher space is the fact that the apertures have the same proportion but larger dimensions than a conventional door.
▼高挑的门让空间看起来更为开阔, doors make the space more open


Flexible shelving system

▼储物系统置入示意图,schematic diagram of storage system
The lofts storage needs are solved by an innovative 23 meters long shelving structure made of timber ladders with an in-between distance of 60 centimeters. The rungs of the 41 ladders support the white steel bars and the white lacquered wooden boards, which stabilize the horizontal loads of the system and have different functions depending in the height they are placed.
▼储物架细节图,details of storage system

The program of the rooms defines the use of this modular light system; in the living rooms it serves as a large bench and a library, in the bedrooms it is an open wardrobe, in the laundry room it integrates the clothes dryer and washing machine, in the kitchens the shelves provide storage capacity, integrate the fridge and act as a kitchen bar and finally, in the lofts entrance hall the cupboard hides the boilers and electrical panels.In coherence with the concept of rooms with exchangeable programs, the longitudinal storage unit can also be modified to meet the users’ requirements without altering its initial concept. Indeed, this flexibility opens the possibility to unify again the two lofts in a single dwelling.
▼卧室内的开放式衣柜,an open wardrobe in the bedroom


Nature, time and light

▼排布在置物架之上的照明系统,a lighting system arranged over the shelf

The vertical rhythm of the ladders along the entire space gives a thickness to its perimeter wall while illuminating the interior. The white painted walls and ceilings, in addition to the continuous polished concrete floor, form the envelope of a scenery where light and time draw the subtle objects shadows. The hanging plants, in harmony with the chestnut structure, form a dynamic abstraction of trunks, brunches and leaves that brings life to the created atmosphere. At the same time, the presence of plants improves the interior air quality and regulates the humidity. The living, dead and inert material merge into a new domestic environment where the different degrees of temporal impermanence are reflected.
▼屋内各个角落的绿植,plants in every corner of the house

▼独户loft平面图,plan of a single loft






咚咚咚咚的声音 2019-8-24 11:36 来自: 湖南长沙
niou999 2019-8-31 00:09 来自: 湖北恩施州
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