设计公司以 60 年代香港小饭馆风貌为蓝本,打造出中式新派餐厅 “SIXA 六小馆”,室内以青瓷色作为基调,为空间奠定清新活泼的个性,设计师又注入独特的港式设计元素,通花水泥屏风、折凳、标志性的霓虹灯以及复古POP ART画作,为倾倒众生的 60 年代怀旧港风,涂上现代玩味色彩格调。
Design company in the 60 s Hong Kong small restaurant style, create a new Chinese style restaurant SIXA six small pavilion, indoor with celadon color as fundamental key, lay the ground for space pure and fresh and lively personality, designers and unique Hong Kong style design elements, cement that connect a flower to screen, folding stool, the iconic neon lights and retro POP ART paintings, for dumping all the 60 s nostalgic wind, apply modern ponder color style.
六小馆位处距离香港国际机场 10 分钟车程的东荟城,经营新派粤菜 fusion 料理。作为与六公馆同一餐饮集团下的姊妹品牌,六小馆就像年轻版的六公馆,以年轻清新的格调承袭上世纪怀旧港风的设计特色。
Located 10 minutes away from the Hong Kong international airport, the six pavilions serve new cantonese fusion cuisine. As a sister brand under the same catering group as the six mansions, six small pavilions are like the younger version of the six mansions, inheriting the design features of nostalgic harbor style in the last century with a young and fresh style.
The designer USES color variation to tell the relationship between the two restaurants, from the noble and fashionable dark green of the six mansions to the fresh and lovely celadon of the six mansions, telling the story of old Hong Kong with more modern and lively design.
六小馆的诞生源于一位商人的轶事。据说在 60 年代,一位当地备受尊重的商人对精致的舶来艺术品充满热情,常从自己熙熙攘攘的商贸公司的商品中挑选珍品收藏。久而久之,他的豪宅渐渐布满充满异域风情的艺术品,这位商人和他的府邸也成了香港民间乐于谈起的生活艺术空间。
The six small pavilions were born out of an anecdote of a businessman. It is said that in the 1960s, a respected local businessman with a passion for fine foreign art often selected treasures from his bustling trading house. Over time, his mansion gradually full of exotic art, the businessman and his mansion has become the Hong Kong people are happy to talk about the art of life space.
大面积的青瓷色配以珊瑚粉色调,让人很快从购物中心与外面街道的繁华放松下来,同时为空间注入清新氛围,缤纷的花卉墙纸带来如春季般的温暖。Large areas of celadon color with coral pink tone, let a person quickly from the shopping center and the bustling street outside down, while injecting fresh atmosphere for the space, colorful flowers wallpaper to bring such as spring warmth.
In the six small pavilions, every detail is a tribute to the city and the local story. The collision of the past and the present, the fusion of east and west, is the unique history, culture and way of life of Hong Kong.
The vintage elements unique to Hong Kong are cleverly combined with elegant custom furniture to add freshness, charm and interesting personality to the space.
Be born big glass brings sunshine into indoor, dining-room more show vigor.
In the layout, to meet the needs of guests and restaurant operations, provide a variety of seating, hong kong-style booth, square table and suitable for family and friends gathering round table.
整个餐厅定制的垂直通花墙砖,巧妙借鉴香港 60 年代屋村和公园比比皆是的镂空水泥屏风图纹。
The entire restaurant is customized with vertical tiling, which cleverly draws on the hollow concrete screen patterns that abound in Hong Kongs 1960s housing villages and parks.
Even the customized furniture and lamps reveal the local characteristics. The folding chair with Hong Kong characteristics is integrated in the guest seat, which conveys the traces of home life in those days. On metope, stylist USES a lot of arch design, act the role of the circular lamp on the wall and chair back design mutual echo.
The walls are decorated with neon signs that can be seen everywhere in Hong Kong streets, showing the vitality and characteristics of the city that never sleeps. One cup six hong kong-style slogan, six also just echo restaurant six small hall named, stick to the theme and create a cordial and vivid feeling.
Project information:
Design area: 228 square meters
Main materials: ceramic tile, terrazzo, ceramic tile, weaving, velvet cloth, perforated wood
餐厅地址:香港东涌东荟城 6 楼 601 号铺
Restaurant address: shop 601, 6 / f, citygate, tung chung, Hong Kong