此住宅位于以色列Carmey Yossef,其基地景观郁郁葱葱:以色列的松树,柏树和橄榄树都沐浴在独特的日光下。设计的主要想法来源于日本建筑,并受到荷兰风格派运动和当地包豪斯建筑的影响。建筑师通过对墙体和开口的设计,对透明和半透明材质的运用,对开放闭合空间的布置,将光、景观和住宅融为一体。
The house in Carmey Yossef, Israel, is planned to showcase the beauty of the site: an Israeli landscape of pines, cypress and olive trees bathed by a unique light. The design idea, which draws inspiration from Japanese architecture, the De Stijl style, and local Bauhaus architecture, was to merge the light and the landscape with the space of the house by using an interplay of walls and openings, some transparent and some opaque, a play of open/closed and exposed/protected.
▽建筑外观,External View
▽ 设计的主要想法来源于日本建筑,并受到荷兰风格派运动和当地包豪斯建筑的影响,The design idea, which draws inspiration from Japanese architecture, the De Stijl style, and local Bauhaus architecture
The double height inner space is very dynamic: a bridge running along its entire length, an exposed iron staircase, and a library rising from floor to ceiling, are all elements from which outward and inward perspectives can be viewed, ever- changing according to the light conditions during the different hours of the day.
Each component of the house is carefully designed to be functional: from the catwalks to the lighting to the spice rack in the kitchen. The house is unique in its relationship with materials, in the special combination of wood, concrete, iron and the utilization of aluminum for the roof. The exposed concrete floor spills from within the space outwards and blurs the distinction between indoors and outdoors and so do the “disappearing" windows of the building shell. The roof planes, too, seem disconnected from the walls, as they hover and float over the light that envelops them all around.
▽建筑入口,Entrance View
▽ 暴露的混凝土楼板从室内空间向外室外延展,模糊了室内外的界限,建筑外立面的窗户也仿佛消失了一般,The exposed concrete floor spills from within the space outwards and blurs the distinction between indoors and outdoors and so do the “disappearing" windows of the building shell.
▽起居空间,Living area
▽布满整面墙的图书架,a library rising from floor to ceiling
▽厨房餐厅,Kitchen and Dining Space
Architect: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture
Location: Carmei Yosef (Joseph’s Vineyards), Gezer Region, Israel
Architect in charge: Kedem Shinar
Area: 350 sqm
Project Year: 2016
Photographs: Amit Geron, Peled Studios
Video credit:
Cinematography: Inlight.me, editing: Adi Shinar
Project Management: Ruben Falkowski
Structural Engineer: Yaron Gal
Interior Design: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture
Lighting: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture
Landscape Design: Kedem Shinar Design & Architecture
Skeleton contractor: Issam Shawana
Finishes contractor: Galor Construction
Aluminum: Perfect windows
Iron windows: 100+
Ironwork: Yoel Almog
Carpentry: Guy Raz Carpenters
Kitchen: Idan Carpenters
Concrete: Bomenite
Timber flooring & decks: Droran
Electricity: Giora Electricity
Smart Electricity: Media-Tech
A/C: Mizug Plus
Furniture: Habitat
Garden: Ros Davies
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