Shakun Julia
Shakun Julia是来自俄罗斯的年轻设计师,她的所有项目以直击生活本真为思考标准,尤其注重建筑条件,以及场地环境,因地制宜的为客户建构符合未来很长一段时间的居住空间。
Moscow - Paris
经典 交融 平衡
该住宅为Shakun Julia新项目,位于莫斯科历史悠久的街区,古典韵味的建筑与社区氛围是客户钟爱的,因此,将俄罗斯传统美学元素与法式相结合,形成了这个家独有的气质,也吻合了主题:从莫斯科到巴黎。
This residence is a new Shakun Julia project located in a historic neighborhood of Moscow. The classical architecture and community atmosphere are beloved by customers. Therefore, by combining traditional Russian aesthetic elements with French style, the unique temperament of this home is formed, which also matches the theme: from Moscow to Paris.
同时,Shakun Julia通过对参考文献的研究和新古典主义元素的借鉴,创造了一种坚固的、垂直的和庄严的永恒性,为客户提供适应更长时期居住的精神家园。
At the same time, Shakun Julia created a sturdy, vertical, and solemn eternity through research on references and reference to neoclassical elements, providing clients with a spiritual home that adapts to longer periods of living.
基于时尚潮流,又蕴含对于经典的致敬,Shakun Julia将对称与冲突,方与圆的平衡,恰如其分的运用到空间中,既不繁琐,又延续了房屋的历史感。
Based on fashion trends and a tribute to classics, Shakun Julia applies symmetry and conflict, as well as the balance between square and circle, to the space appropriately, which is not cumbersome but also continues the historical sense of the house.
The integrated kitchen design allows this home to maintain its past temperature, while the restrained and practical cabinets contrast with the black and white ground, bringing fun.
The bedroom space is not large, and the furniture is deliberately chosen to be smaller in size to release more space. Comfortable and pleasant materials, few but exquisite soft decoration accessories, and the natural light projected in, exude warmth and comfort here.
The study and reception area has a more elegant color tone, with more cool tones laid out, providing a fresh and relaxed atmosphere.