本帖最后由 八戒设计 于 2016-3-20 13:57 编辑
【创意设计】:八戒设计 美丽鸟
通过不同的材料和色调搭配,展现了东南亚风格的特色 东南亚风格一向以大胆的配色著称,在这种色彩“热舞”中,舒张中有含蓄,妩媚中有神秘,平和中有激情,带着浪漫主义的情怀色彩. Through the different material and tonal collocation, show the features of southeast Asia style Southeast Asia style have always is famous for its bold color matching, in this kind of colour \"dance\", there is implied in diastole, charm of mystery, there is passion in peace, with romantic feelings.