本帖最后由 香港JR设计 于 2017-7-26 18:11 编辑
喜欢植物,那就让它变成艺术! Love plants?Then make it to be art! 在生活节奏日益加快的今天, 自然环保的空间和环境, 倍受人们的青睐, 对植物,大家更是偏爱和依赖。 在室内大胆的运用植物, 是一种新颖且无比美妙的理念, 生态、环保而且美观! 但植物虽好, 却唯有辅以创意的设计 才能成为一种自然的艺术!
At the pace of life is gradually accelerating, Natural space and environment, Are loved by many people, To plants, people also prefer and rely on them. The bold interior use of plants, It's a novel and wonderful idea, Ecological, environmental and beautiful! Although the plants are good, Only with the creative design It could be a natural art!