案例名称 | 北欧时光烘焙店 项目地址 | 湖北省 荆州市 项目面积 | 170 平方米 设计公司 | 1916设计工作室 主创设计 | 王伟 设计主材 | 木材、瓷砖、铁板、绿植等 设计时间 | 2018.02 建成时间 | 2018.05
如是生活 本是烘培 If it is life, this is baking.
▲ 建筑外观 Building exterior 北欧时光烘焙店位于荆州古城区主干道江津中路繁华地段,商住小区临街处,面积150平方米,分上下两层空间。店名来源于北欧,北欧的美丽风景太难企及,唯有在这遥远的一隅,为自己筑一方北欧空间。在这里,您享受的不仅是一段美好的下午茶时光,更是一种极简舒适的生活方式。 Nordic Time Baking Shop is located in the prosperous section of Jiangjin Middle Road, the main road of Jingzhou Ancient City. The commercial and residential area is facing the street, with an area of 150 square meters. The name of the store comes from northern Europe, and the beautiful scenery of northern Europe is too difficult to achieve. Only in this distant glimpse, build a Nordic space for yourself. Here, you enjoy not only a good afternoon tea time, but also a minimalist and comfortable lifestyle. ▲ 外观细节 Appearance details 整体以简洁明了的设计手法,用白色作为基调,明亮、整洁、纯净。店面与周边喧嚣浮躁的环境剥离,大部分的留白像一张动态画布,记录来来往往的人物和光影。 The overall design is simple and clear, with white as the keynote, bright, clean and pure. The storefront is separated from the surrounding environment, and most of the white space is like a dynamic canvas, recording people and light and shadow. ▲ 入口视角 Entrance perspective 柔和温暖的性情在洁净的白色基底里展露无遗。入口处玻璃大门明亮通透,同时在白色调中融入木质元素,使设计更加舒适自然。 The soft, warm temperament is revealed in a clean white base. The glass door at the entrance is bright and transparent, while the wooden elements are blended with white elements to make the design more comfortable and natural. ▲ 收银台区域 Cashier area ▲ 糕点展示台区域 Pastry display area 整个空间简洁明快,摒弃繁琐的结构,追求空间的质量和材料的质感体现,力求功能最大化。白色的吊顶,灰色的地砖确定了空间的基调,再加上有质感的黑色铁艺材料,木质底座与透亮的浅灰色地砖和玻璃形成鲜明对比,创造出温馨又不失时尚的极简空间。 The whole space is simple and clear, abandoning the cumbersome structure, pursuing the quality of the space and the texture of the material, and striving for maximum function. The white ceiling and the gray floor tiles define the tone of the space. Together with the textured black wrought iron material, the wooden base contrasts with the translucent light gray floor tiles and glass to create a warm and stylish minimalist space. ▲ 室内 Indoor ▲ 吧台俯视 Bar overlook 地板采用各种不同的拼接,形成视觉上的几何美感。另外从吧台区域整体看来,拼接的瓷砖像面包汁和果汁从吧台流出溅落开来散落在每个角落,这也是一楼大厅的功能分区及消费动线引导。 The floor uses a variety of different stitching to create a visual geometric aesthetic. In addition, from the overall view of the bar area, the spliced tiles like the bread and juice are splashed off the bar and scattered around every corner. This is also the function partition and consumption line guide of the first floor lobby. ▲ 楼梯 Stairs 除了强调室内空间宽敞、内外通透、最大限度引入自然光之外,追求自然,讲究原木质感,是北欧风格的灵魂。因此在木材的选择上,保留了原始的色彩和质感。同时,悬空的楼梯让空间更通透且富有趣味性。 In addition to emphasizing the spaciousness of the interior, the transparency of the interior and exterior, and the maximum introduction of natural light, the pursuit of nature and the sense of original wood are the soul of the Nordic style. Therefore, in the choice of wood, the original color and texture are preserved. At the same time, the suspended stairs make the space more transparent and interesting. ▲ 楼梯下细节 Stair detail
细节彰显温度和生命。其中点缀着浅绿色家具,让空间鲜活起来。与此同时,楼梯间大片的麦穗与原木色楼梯的搭配,整体与自然完美的融合,再加上绿色植物也为空间赋予了生命,散尾葵等在麦香四溢的空间里滋养生长,让极简的空间重新焕发了绿色的生机。设计师的灵感来源会有很多,但只有源于自然的设计,才是真正有温度的设计。 The details highlight the temperature and life. It is dotted with light green furniture to make the space alive. At the same time, the large wheat ears and the log-colored stairs in the stairwell are perfectly integrated with nature, and the green plants also give life to the space. The scented sunflowers nourish and grow in the overflowing space of wheat. Let the minimalist space rejuvenate the green vitality. Designers have a lot of inspiration, but only natural design is the real temperature design. ▲ 楼梯俯视图 Staircase top view 整体空间的风格基于LOFT之上,大量运用原木和钢网来构造空间,总体基调以和白色乳胶漆作为墙面背景衬托原木的质感。 The overall space style is based on LOFT, using a large number of logs and steel mesh to construct the space. The overall tone and white latex paint are used as the wall background to set off the texture of the logs. ▲ 休闲区 Recreation area 二层作为休息就餐区,简单个性的蓝色、灰色棉质沙发慵懒闲适。同时沙发窗边的人造麦田风景,为内部空间增添一丝静谧,也更贴近自然,让顾客能在此处尽享安逸和放空。 The second floor serves as a rest and dining area, and the simple blue and gray cotton sofas are lazy and leisurely. At the same time, the artificial wheat field on the side of the sofa adds a touch of tranquility to the interior space, and is closer to nature, allowing customers to enjoy comfort and vacancy here. ▲ 休闲区 Recreation area 空间配饰大量运用自然元素和烘焙软饰,钢结构和木结构的搭接配合,不仅勾勒出各个空间的形态,也创造出餐厅独有的人流动线。同时钢网在空间中起到了一定的阻挡和分割空间的作用。 The space accessories use a lot of natural elements and baking soft decorations. The combination of steel structure and wood structure not only outlines the shape of each space, but also creates a unique flow line for people in the restaurant. At the same time, the steel mesh plays a certain role in blocking and dividing space in space.
我们通过一系列的设计营造,旨在创造出一隅安静的氛围。让进入其间的人节奏缓下来,在这里喝杯咖啡,点上一份甜点,享受难得的慢时光。 We create through a series of designs designed to create a quiet atmosphere. Let the pace of people entering it slow down, have a cup of coffee here, order a dessert, and enjoy a rare slow time.
▲ 一楼平面图 First floor plan ▲ 二楼平面图 Second floor plan
王伟 湖北Young设计创始人兼设计总监 2018中国设计星荆州赛区总冠军 2018中国设计星全国36强 联系/微信:13197475678