幸福的人并不是拥有一切,只是他们懂得欣赏平凡生活中的美好。 Happy people do not have everything, but they know how to appreciate the beauty of ordinary life.
The pursuit of a better life never distinguishes age. The owner of the case is a middle-aged couple. For home, they hope to be relaxed and warm, not necessarily luxurious, but it tells all stories related to home.
We use good design and taste to release the surprises of life in the space.
在进入空间的那一刻,星际熊COSMOS怀着“用心看世界”的初衷,面向所有来者,奉献艺术、科技 、文化的力量,并传递主人的包容与探索的生活理念。
At the moment of entering the space, COSMOS, with the original intention of "seeing the world with your heart", faces everyone who comes, devotes the power of art, technology, and culture, and conveys the owner's life philosophy of tolerance and exploration for home.
客厅living room
设计师将红色作为主色调,恰好呼应空间的主题,为了空间的颜色平衡,我们局部用和谐的金色与之呼应,在软装和色彩的选择上也更加考量。 软装上用了一些造型夸张的家具和艺术品,让红与金的气质上扬,同时在空间中加入不同的灰度,来减弱这些“喧闹”的元素,一方面契合空间整体的格调,另一方面则借助软装上的柔,与硬装上形成互补,呈现出空间整体的刚柔并济,让更平稳、低调、优雅和日常的氛围稳稳地铺满整个家。 The designer uses red as the main color, which exactly echoes the theme of the space. In order to balance the color of the space, we partially use a harmonious gold to echo it. We also consider the choice of soft decoration and color more. Some exaggerated furniture and artworks are used in the soft decoration to increase the red and gold temperament. At the same time, different gray levels are added to the space to weaken these "noisy" elements. On the one hand, it fits the overall style of the space, and on the other On the one hand, with the softness of the soft decoration, it complements the hard decoration, presenting the overall rigidity and softness of the space, allowing a more stable, low-key, elegant and daily atmosphere to steadily cover the whole home.
客厅细节Living room details
外型软萌的Pony Chair(小马椅)不仅为居家空间营造了童趣、时尚的氛围,也满足了当下人们对于设计与艺术相结合的需求。 The soft and cute Pony Chair not only creates a childlike and fashionable atmosphere for the home space, but also satisfies the current people's demand for the combination of design and art.
茶室Tea room
在公共区域里,我们尽可能保持开放无阻的空间,客厅与茶室之间没有墙壁的阻隔,仅放置了长虹玻璃屏风,玻璃隔断既分割了空间,又营造出通透的视觉效果。 In the public area, we keep as open and unobstructed as possible. There is no wall barrier between the living room and the tea room. Only Changhong glass screens are placed. The glass partition not only divides the space, but also creates a transparent visual effect.
浅灰色圆弧格栅柜门与香槟金钢架相结合,既能保留家中温度又不失粗犷感,简约而富有质感。搭配亚克力材质的茶桌和墩子,空间平衡感豁然而生。 The combination of the light gray arc grille cabinet door and the champagne gold steel frame can not only retain the temperature of the home without losing the roughness, it is simple and rich in texture. With acrylic tea tables and piers, a sense of spatial balance emerges suddenly.
水吧台与层次感的餐桌不仅令准备食物的家人和空间中其他家人朋友之间形成良好互动,同时也可以作为早餐、小食等各种延伸功能的使用,令就餐变得更为灵活有趣。 The water bar and the layered dining table not only enable good interaction between the family preparing food and other family and friends in the space, but also can be used as a variety of extended functions such as breakfast and snacks, making dining more flexible and interesting.
中厨是一个相对可以专注烹饪的区域,也兼顾了中式料理会产生的油烟问题。 The Chinese kitchen is an area where you can focus on cooking, and it also takes into account the oily smoke that Chinese cuisine will produce.
极具装饰功能的多孔板移门是餐厅的一大亮点,具有当代性的设计符号,让家从墙壁开始不再平庸,趣味十足。 Highly decorative functions tunnel plate sliding door is a major highlight of the restaurant, with a contemporary design notations, let home from the wall began to no longer mediocre, full of fun.
客卧Guest bedroom
灵动的弧形与圆润的曲面元素,流畅的顶面圆弧造型摈弃了直线造型的尖锐与死板。 通过视觉空间的柔和与纯粹,构建优雅的视觉印象,通过颜色、肌理与形状,描绘禅意美学空间的素雅、质朴的自然之特性。 The flexible arc shape and rounded curved surface elements, and the smooth arc shape of the top surface discards the sharpness and rigidity of the straight line shape. Through the softness and purity of the visual space, an elegant visual impression is constructed. Through the color, texture and shape, the simple and simple nature of the Zen aesthetic space is depicted.
客卧细节Guest bedroom details
极具线条感的吊灯、藤编实木床以及圆润可爱的床头柜构成卧室的装饰主题。 Line-like chandeliers, rattan-woven solid wood beds and round and lovely bedside tables constitute the decorative theme of the bedroom
主卧Master bedroom
进入主卧就会看到特别设计的红色装饰柜,用来陈列展现主人喜爱的摆饰和鞋包,与主人生活轨迹息息相关的点滴汇聚,都自然展现在这个家中。 When you enter the Master bedroom, you will see a specially designed red decorative cabinet, which is used to display the ornaments and shoes and bags that the owner loves. The gathering of bits and pieces closely related to the life of the owner are naturally displayed in this home. 这个家不是“设计”出来的,而是自然“流淌”出来的。 This home is not "designed" out, but the natural "flow" out.
主卧运用了墨绿色的布艺床架,搭配柔软的浅灰色床品和同色系窗帘,再加上金色简约吊灯的点缀,营造出低调而奢华的空间氛围。 The master bedroom uses a dark green fabric bed frame, with soft light gray bedding and curtains of the same color, plus the embellishment of golden simple chandeliers, creating a low-key and luxurious space atmosphere.
鱼肚白大理石台面平滑延续至淋浴间,浴室柜的暖色圆弧格栅柜门中和了墙砖的冷灰感,良好的平衡了空间的柔与刚、冷与暖。 The white patterned marble countertop smoothly continues to the shower room. The warm-colored arc grille cabinet door of the bathroom cabinet neutralizes the cold gray feeling of the wall tiles, and well balances the softness and rigidity, coldness and warmth of the space.