伟大的建筑始于不可量度的感悟。 Great architecture begins with an unmeasurable sense
这种领悟来自建筑师对机构、对材料、对所有被造物之起源的领悟。建筑师所扮演的角色,是发现房子的存在之欲,并把它带入现实。—— 路易斯·康 This comprehension comes from the architect's understanding of the institution, of the materials, of the origin of all created things. The role of the architect is to discover the existential desire of the house and to bring it into reality. -- Louis.I.Kahn
设计有为,而思想无为 Use the tangible of design to outline the inaction of thought
时隔四年,设计师再回忆起2017年底的那通电话,依然觉得是一段很好的缘分。那时安卓梅达酒店董事长苦于找不到有共识的设计师,兜兜转转联系上了尚在英国游学的他。谈到太平湖自然环境的取与舍、去与留,三天后他便回国,承继东方自然静谧的“意”,结合极少主义的“境”,打造一派“无为之地”。 After four years, the designer recalls the phone call at the end of 2017 and still feels that it was a good destiny. At that time, the chairman of Andromeda Hotel was struggling to find a designer with a common understanding and contacted him in a roundabout way who was still on a study tour in the UK.He returned to China three days later and inherited the quiet "meaning" of Eastern nature and combined it with the "realm" of minimalism to create a "land of inaction.
依偎着太平湖的山水澄澈,酒店成为“东方极简”设计哲学最为浪漫的诠释,也是设计师对于山水自然最为含蓄的情感表达。 The hotel is the most romantic interpretation of the "Oriental Minimalism" design philosophy and the most subtle expression of the designer's emotions towards the landscape and nature, nestled in the clarity of the mountains and waters of Taiping Lake.
01 / 江天一色无纤尘 No dust has stained the water blending with the skies
酒店坐落于如拙朴之翠的太平湖畔,在松林掩映下俨然物外之境。Andromeda安卓梅达取意天上的仙女星座,朦胧美好,恰如其境。 The hotel is located on the shore of Taiping Lake, which is like a pure emerald, in the background of the pine forest as if it is a realm of still, Andromeda means the constellation of fairies in the sky, hazy and beautiful, just like the fairyland.
江天一色,远山轻舟,设计师引游玩的人吮吸太平湖上氤氲着的灵气,在肆意生长的喧嚣之外,来到这里成了每个人的“归乡”。 Outside the hustle and bustle,River and sky, distant mountains and light boats, the dense aura on Taiping Lake, Andromeda becomes everyone's "hometown" .
02 / 自然而然,宁静中生出的深刻 Naturally,The profundity born of tranquility
酒店用一种极具东方气质的谦逊收敛,回应着建筑应如何与自然和谐。几何结构空间的理性是对建筑的降噪,剥离繁复的留白是“无为,不争”的平和意境。 The hotel responds to how architecture should be in harmony with nature with a very oriental temperament of modesty and austerity. The rationality of the geometric space is the noise reduction of the building, and the stripping away of the complicated white space is the peaceful state of "nothing to do, nothing to compete".
“不明,自明” "No need to explain,the beauty will self-explanatory"
世阿弥说“越隐秘越迷人”,主体的隐匿和不甚完美,却是观者想象力之来源。于是极少主义建筑观望着湖面,粗粝质朴的混凝土、老树和光影交织。 The more secretive, the more fascinating", says Amitabha Buddha,the secrecy and imperfection of the subject is the source of the viewer's imagination. So the minimalist architecture is interwoven with the coarse and rustic concrete, old trees and light and shadow, echoing with the lake to create a beautiful image.
在规划上,酒店退公路10米而居,退繁华,而入山水,用以减少来往车流的嘈杂,亦更贴近“奢隐”的调性与设计风格。 In terms of planning, the hotel is set back 10 meters from the highway, retreating from the bustle and entering the landscape to reduce the noise of the traffic and to be more in line with the tone and design style of "Luxury Hideaway".
03 / 模糊的边界对话朦胧的美好体验 Blurred boundary and hazy aesthetic experience.
Andromeda Hotel, Taiping Lake Lijun Huang/ Shang Yang Li/ Yufei Ji/ Yanyan Xu/ Chen Chen/ Yanan Ni/ Zehao Liu/ Lei Cai/ Fanru Lu/ Haoxiang Bai/ Wanying Wang/ Qiang Yang/ Xiao Tan/ Wanquan Liu/ Jing Li/ Hai Ran Li/ Zhengxuan Cong Hangzhou Lehan Lighting Engineering Co.