美是生命的从容,是生命的悠闲,是生命中的一种豁达。如果处在焦虑不安的状态,美大概很难存在。 Beauty is the ease of life, the leisure of life, a kind of magnanimity in life if you are in a state of anxiety, beauty is probably difficult to exist.
客厅是多功能的,不似往常沙发组合。当下年轻人生活状态的多元化 生活场景也同时多元化。我们在客厅可以坐在一周挑高的木板上看书 刷剧、听音乐、喝茶。也可以周末三五好友围坐一起k歌、聚会。不去定义客厅的形式以及使用方式。当想在空间添加什么功能的时候,我们可以选购新家具。这时客厅就有新的场景出现。 The living room is multi-functional, unlike the usual sofa combination of the current young people's life state of diversified life scenes are also diversified, we can sit in the living room a week on the high board reading, watching TV, listening to music, drinking tea, and on the weekend three or five friends sit together karaoke party without defining the form and use of the living room When we want to add what function to the space, we can buy new furniture and then the living room will have a new scene, right
应对生活变化、兴趣的变化、场景的变化 空间是否可以变化是我们思考的问题。 Whether the changing space of the scene can be changed is a question for us to consider.
空间是很自由的,是无拘束的,是松散的,是有一些包裹感的。给居住者平静的 心安的 温馨的 舒服的的感受。 The space is very free, is free, is loose, is a sense of some wrapping to give the inhabitant a calm heart of peace of mind, warm and comfortable feeling.
在生活中的美不在虚无飘渺,不是专家口中的一些理论。我们希望“美”可以踏踏实实在我们生活中体现出来。 Beauty in our lives is not an illusion, it's not some theory that experts say we want beauty to be embodied in our lives
- Name | 项目名称 -
- Lead Designer | 主持设计师 -
张宜健 徐文泽
- Design Participation | 设计参与 - 张皓天 蓝泽锡
-Project Name | 项目地点 - 上海 - Area | 项目面积 - 135 m2 - Design talent and team | 设计主创及团队 -
我们是一直主张空间设计为功能性艺术而非纯艺术。让我们看到的不仅仅是设计的形态,而是对生活深刻的体会。在设计上我们会去关注人与人之间的关系与情感的互动,优化人与时间的关系与空间的成长性。去洞察人与空间的关系与生活的便捷性,分析空间的每一种多元化的可能。 We always advocate space design as functional art rather than pure art. Let us see not only the design form, but the profound understanding of life. In the design, we will pay attention to the relationship between people and emotional interaction, optimize the relationship between people and time and the growth of space. To insight into the relationship between people and space and the convenience of life, analysis of every possible diversity of spac
wechat:Sj577624284 / zhangyijian_design