”家“是一家人的家 不论你在外面受到了多大的委屈 进入家中 一切都消散了,你看见的 是一张张亲切的脸庞与温度,是为你挡下一切的后盾 家的意义就此体现
户主的需求是空间氛围上的简约干净,功能上的丰富不烦躁 给孩子创造专属于他们的空间,让他们自由自在的成长 打造专属他们一家人的温馨空间
华润万象汇 项目类型:私宅 项目面积:146㎡ 设计团队:一道设计
Use simple white and wood color to create the warmth of returning home
落地窗旁的暖黄懒人沙发增添了客厅的舒适度与温馨感 简简单单的阳光角打造惬意的阅读休憩区,丰富了客厅功能 The simple sunshine corner creates a comfortable reading rest area and enriches the functions of the living room
简单的绿植点缀,让这个家不单调,冬天也能充满绿意 Simple green plant embellishment makes this home not monotonous, and it can also be full of green in winter
The island table has become a Western food table, which enriches the functions and relieves the pressure of the kitchen
餐厨一体打通空间,让视觉和光线更开阔通透;西厨岛台以及餐桌一体化定制,四周动线更合理,功能更加强大,与空间整体协调更有范 The integration of dining and kitchen can open up the space and make the vision and light more open and transparent
主卧用灰色与木色地板打造简约干净的空间,给大人们最好的睡眠空间体验,简单但绝不沉闷 The master bedroom uses gray and wood floors to create a simple and clean space, giving adults the best sleep space experience, simple but never dull
针对孩子的个性与年龄段,打造不同风格的儿童房 读书中的孩子的房间采光更适合学习,一些童心摆件又让孩子学习的时候不枯燥 The room lighting of children in reading is more suitable for learning, and some childlike ornaments make children's learning not boring
The younger girls' room uses pink to create a sense of childlike innocence, so that children can grow up in an environment full of warmth and atmosphere