本帖最后由 BrewinDesign 于 2022-10-22 10:10 编辑
Brewin Design是一家总部位于新加坡和雅加达的设计事务所,在建筑、家具和室内等设计领域有着独特的见解和出品,由Robert Cheng成立于2012年。随着创始人对室内设计的发展历史和对西方以及东方文化随着时间变迁的深入了解和探索,对他设计理念的形成和更新产生了至关重要的作用。
Founded in 2012 by Robert Cheng, Brewin Design is a Singapore-based and Jakarta-based design firm specializing in architecture, furniture and interior design. With the founder's deep understanding and exploration of the development history of interior design and the changes of western and eastern cultures over time, it has played a crucial role in the formation and renewal of his design concept.
The Green Apartment
The Green公寓位于新加坡的Nassim社区,极简风格的室内设计改造为其赋予了些许纽约的怀旧气息和氛围感。怀旧情愫的营造就像是一本饶有趣味的绘本,每一步设计策略都影响着画面的最终效果——从空间的基调到陈设的家具,甚至是光渲染于墙上的照射方式。
Located in Singapore's Nassim neighborhood, The Green's minimalist interior gives it a touch of New York nostalgia and ambience. The creation of nostalgia is like an interesting picture book. Every step of the design strategy affects the final effect of the picture -- from the tone of the space to the furnishings, and even the way the light is rendered on the wall.
Ando Restaurant
Ando是一家全新的日式西班牙餐厅,有别于常规的美食主题定位,将其塑造成一个极简的、有质感的空间,而灵感来则自于所处的城市环境。Brewin Design将香港城市的人文肌理和形式抽象成有着大胆的野兽派风格的室内空间,玻璃材质的运用、明亮的灯光和梦幻般的立面构造,呈现了城市的“浮光掠影”与独特的魅力。
Ando is a new Japanese-Spanish restaurant that deviates from the usual gastronomic theme by creating a minimalist, textured space inspired by its urban setting. Brewin Design abstracts the human texture and form of Hong Kong city into interior Spaces with bold brutalist style. The use of glass materials, bright lights and dreamlike facade structure present the city's fleeting image and unique charm.
The Hudson Rooms Capella Hanoi
The Hudson Rooms餐厅,位于新建成的Capella Hanoi的顶层,占地1200平方米,高峰时,可满足120人同时就餐。餐厅的设计灵感来自于20世纪20年代纽约的审美取向和基于旅行观念的复兴,将一个黄金时代转译到当代的空间表现之中,体现了特定时代的标志和精神。
The Hudson Rooms restaurant, located on the top floor of the newly completed Capella Hanoi, covers 1,200 square meters and can accommodate up to 120 people at peak hours. The restaurant's design is inspired by the aesthetic orientation of 1920s New York and the revival of travel-based concepts, translating a golden age into a contemporary spatial representation that embodies the symbols and spirit of a particular era.
61 Robinson
61 Robinson,是一座有着20年历史的建筑,Brewin Design受委托对其进行了大规模翻新和改造。工作室受20世纪20年代曼哈顿装饰艺术运动的美学启发,对大堂进行了重新设计,在保留原始宏伟的空间尺度的同时创造一种亲近感,从而更容易被访客所接受。
61 Robinson, a 20-year-old building that Brewin Design was commissioned to undertake a major renovation and transformation. Inspired by the aesthetics of the 1920s Art Deco movement in Manhattan, the studio redesigned the lobby to create a sense of intimacy while retaining the original grand spatial scale, thus being more accessible to visitors.