
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 不也设计 于 2023-2-4 11:02 编辑


2019年,大于建筑和不也设计工作室受上海体育学院及世纪出版集团之邀,设计沪上首家体育主题书店“绿瓦体育书店”。 面对原始毛坯状态的基地,业主提出的唯一空间设想是充分利用挑高17米的天光中庭“打造一个地标”。这一通常只出现在城市尺度的要求不仅明确了设计核心,也把仅有一层的书店空间的主延展方向从水平改为垂直,为后来的形式概念埋下种子。

In 2019, Studio YUDA and Studio NOR were invited by the Shanghai University of Sport and Shanghai Century Publishing (Group) Co., Ltd to design the first sports-themed bookstore in Shanghai, “Lvwa Sports Bookstore”. Facing the base in the original rough state, the only spatial idea put forward by the owner is to make full use of the skylight atrium with a height of 17 meters to “build a landmark”. This requirement, which usually only appears at the urban scale, not only clarified the core of the design, but also changed the main extension direction of the bookstore space with only one floor from horizontal to vertical, sowing the seeds for our later formal concept.

▼天光中庭的“地标”明月山,Mingyue Mountain in the atrium ©CreatAR


▼概念草图,Concept sketch ©不也设计工作室

In recent years, Chinese architects often “build mountains” when dealing with interior projects. The reason is probably that the stacking of mountains in traditional gardens takes care of the scale of the human body, and it is easy to transform into rich hard-decorated shapes. Natural attraction. Although we are of the same mind, the concept of using this concept in the Luwa Sports Bookstore project is actually to solve a practical problem, that is, how to express the “sports characteristics” that the owner wants in a bookstore. Books nurture knowledge and sports strengthen the body. In order to unify these seemingly mutually exclusive elements in the same space, we think of the ancient adage that “the mountain of books has the road and diligence as the path”, and its more modern translation “to climb the peak of knowledge bravely”. “. Therefore, “seeking knowledge” and “climbing” are equivalent: exploring the boundaries of knowledge and breaking through the limits of the body have the same goal. The two are unified in the image of “mountain”, and we also obtain a form motif that is self-consistent in the narrative.

▼从明月山山脚仰望天光,Looking up at the skylight from the foot of Mingyue Mountain ©CreatAR



Entering the base from the southeast entrance, one has to walk a few steps under a small section of low dark ceiling before turning west into the atrium. This very short original structure wants to be lifted first and then suppressed, which greatly enhances the sensory impact that visitors receive after entering the atrium: when the sky is blowing, the height of the top of the head suddenly increases five times. The west wall will present a majestic momentum like a giant mountain landscape painting in the early Song Dynasty of the Five Dynasties. Therefore, we set up a 13-meter-high “main peak” to lead the whole store’s book mountain.

▼层层叠退的明月山及山顶光轮,Layers of receding Mingyue Mountain and the light wheel at the top of the peak ©CreatAR


The base building is the Ping-Pong Academy Building of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education. We continued the motif of Ping-Pong sculptures in the flower beds on the street corner, used a lot of spherical decorative lights in the bookstore, and designed a circular light hole at the top of the main peak. Named “Mingyue Mountain”.

▼明月山山脚,The foot of Mingyue Mountain ©CreatAR


The mountain is divided into five layers and retreats layer by layer. It is climbed up and down from the foot of the mountain by one step, connecting the three “caves” and four reading platforms in the mountain. It is truly a combination of reading and mountain climbing. The big bookstore on the ground floor is composed of 4 interconnected small spaces, with entrances and exits on all sides, making Mingyue Mountain not only the visual center of the project, but also the center of circulation.

▼明月山内藏书洞,Library cave ©CreatAR

▼沿山体折复上攀的楼梯,Stairs roundly climbing up along the mountain ©CreatAR


▼明月十六峰轴测图,Axonmetric of Mingyue Sixteen Mountains ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

It occupies almost the entire wall and is considered to be the garden concept of “great stone welcomes people, and there is no pot of heaven and earth”: visitors are standing outside the building. The 3-story division on the surface is deceptive, and I would not have thought that there could be such a full-height giant structure indoors. Similar to the spatial experience of temples and pagodas dedicated to giant statues, people can only look directly at the foot of the main peak, the mountainside and the top of the mountain on different floors.

▼四通八达的明月山底层,Space under Mingyue Mountain connects outside in all directions ©CreatAR

▼藏书洞内层进通幽的空间,Layers of space inside the library cave ©CreatAR


With Mingyue Mountain as the core, we have scattered and arranged 15 small book mountains in each space with the motif of steps as the motif, which respectively undertake the functions of bookshelves, seats, bar counters, and podiums. Together with Mingyue Mountain, they form an isomorphic “mountain system”: each mountain serves as the “stop point” of the moving line to store books and accommodate people, while the open space between the mountains serves as a “walking place”, allowing readers to cruise freely. Complete a personal exploration of the bookstore in the journey from this mountain to the mountain.

▼山体间的空隙为访客自由探索空间提供多种路径,The gap between the mountains provides visitors with various paths to freely explore the space ©CreatAR

▼书斋空间中散点布置的书山,Mountains of book stand scatteredly in the  library ©CreatAR

▼咖啡厅,Cafe ©CreatAR

▼休闲区,Lounge ©CreatAR



When we visited the site for the first time, we noticed the juxtaposition of the unpeeled blue protective film on a metal door on the exterior wall of the building and the gray real stone paint on the wall. The subtle contrast of the two colors and materials was just right, conveying a sense of movement. Appropriate temperament. It happened that the base was all unmodified gray walls, so we decided to use blue as the main color of the future bookstore on the spot.

▼初访基地时发现的色彩对比,The contrast of color we found when we visited the site for the fisrt time ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室


In the later discussions with the owner, this blue was given a variety of interpretation possibilities, which almost verified the correctness of our first feeling: the blue of the table tennis table, the blue of the Olympic birthplace of Greece, and the blue-green landscape painting Blue, Matisse’s paper-cut blue… It seems that blue is also the color that best integrates sports and humanistic spirit on the spectrum. The juxtaposition of the blue wood grain of the mountain and the gray cement of the wall continues our initial impression of the protective film and the real stone paint wall, and responds to the relationship between spiritual tempering and sports competition with a delicate and rough dialogue.

▼蓝色木纹家具与灰色水泥墙面并置,Juxtaposition of the blue tone wood furniture and grey cement wall ©CreatAR


In addition to the blue and gray colors, we use a large number of logs and gold and brown furniture accessories in the places where visitors rest to create a warm and relaxing local atmosphere, especially in the lecture hall space. In order to meet the flexible switching between exhibition and lecture required by the owner, we hang perforated panel display racks on the wall of the lecture hall, which can be flexibly adjusted in layout. The benches in the hall are also specially designed to be used as shelves when stacked vertically use.

▼讲堂空间总览,Lecture hall ©CreatAR

▼讲堂内的长凳可以垂直叠合组成搁架,墙面的层板也可灵活调整,以满足临时展览需要,The benches in the hall are also specially designed to be used as shelves when stacked vertically ©CreatAR


Combined with the scattered layout of the bookstore, we have set up a large number of openings of different scales on the walls of the bookstore, so as to guide the penetration and interweaving of readers’ moving lines and sight lines, hoping to create a flow of lingering, The profound and endless somatosensory stimulates visitors’ interest in space exploration.

▼明月山上的洞口引人探索,The entrances of the cave on Mingyue Mountain attract visitors to explore ©CreatAR

▼透过方窗看向明月山内部,Looking into the interior of Mingyue Mountain through a square opening ©CreatAR

▼从咖啡厅看向书斋,Looking into the library from the cafe ©CreatAR

▼偶然出现的洞口延展空间景深层次,Opening that appears occasionally extends the depth of space ©CreatAR


Luwa Sports Bookstore is hidden in the shade of trees outside the west gate of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, waiting for friends in the distance with a unique blue hills. When the twilight outside the door is slightly darker, the light wheel under the skylight in the atrium will gradually light up the ball lights scattered throughout the store. , search up and down.

▼ “山间明月、海上灯塔” ,Bright moon in the mountains, lighthouse on the sea ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

▼明月十六峰模型,Model of Mingyue Sixteen Mountains ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

▼明月十六峰类型学图解,Typology study of Mingyue Sixteen Mountains ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

▼平面图,Plan ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

▼剖面图,Section ©大于建筑&不也设计工作室

项目设计 & 完成年份:2019-2020
主创及设计团队:郭宇辰(大于建筑主创)姜伯源(不也设计主创) 徐山岭 房玥 刘中元 肖港
项目地址:中国 上海
合作方:照明顾问:Studio BLRR 不热灯光设计工作室
客户:上海体育学院 世纪出版社

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1很简洁的设计 空间构型很棒1
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