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This project is a three-storey fine decorated house, which was entrusted by the owner to renovate. He hopes to break the stereotyped feeling of coldness among urban buildings and integrate modernism and Oriental humanistic atmosphere to achieve a space that can reflect the own‘s unique taste and life attitude.

At the side of the entrance, there is a separate shoe closet to isolate dust from the indoor area.

▼客厅打破原有的电视中心,重新设计后的布局更强调家居的多样性和松弛感,粗粝的剑麻地毯,手工锤纹的铁艺圆几都可以很好地烘托这种氛围。The layout of the living room after the redesign of the original TV center emphasizes the diversity and relaxation of the home. The rough sisal carpet and hand-hammered iron table can perfectly set off this atmosphere.

▼屋主以往收藏有的大量的CD,我们在角落布置长条凳代替边几,可以堆放更多书籍和CD;墙面上Spectrum Paperback原本是书架,我们有趣地发现其深度尺寸非常适合陈列CD;Beosound9000播放机来自著名设计师David Lewis 的设计,也是上世纪90年代最经典的工业产品之一。
The reason we put a bench in the corner instead of a side table is that the owner has a large collection of CDs and it can stack more books and CDs. The Spectrum Paperback was originally a bookshelf, but we found that depth is also perfect for displaying CDs. B&O's sound9000 is designed by the David Lewis who is the famous designer and it is one of the most classic industrial products in the 1990s.

Menu's Torso table lamp is made from a combination of beige linen and black earthenware base, exuding a sense of Oriental introversion. It is in stark contrast to the modernity of the Sound9000, and the horizontal lines of the CD player and the bookshelf have a natural sense of order, which is quite a tacit match.

▼餐桌是英国知名设计师Kelly Hoppen的设计,早在设计之前屋主就已将其收藏,我们以此搭配Gervasoni的餐椅和Contardi的Audrey吊灯,以及墙面的Mogg挂镜,我们认为它们具备相同的气质,组合在一起能够表现出强烈的 “西方风格的东方主义”。The dining table is designed by Kelly Hoppen, a well-known British designer. The owner has collected it long before the design. We matched it with dining chair from Gervasoni, Audrey chandelier from Contardi and the Mogg mirro hanging on the wall, which we believe that they have the same temperament and can be combined to express a strong "Western-style Orientalism".

▼边柜运用天然的球沙木皮染色,在红色的漆面下呈现若隐若现的“云海纹”,似乎在与画中情景呼应。The sideboard is dyed with natural ball-sand wood veneer, showing a faint texture under the red paint, which seems to echo the scene in the painting.

▼MOGG Wow Wall Mirror

▼屋主收藏的这把中古的Jetson chair,出自瑞典家具设计师Bruno Mathsson之手,设计亮点以贴合人体工程学著称,放在当下仍然是最舒服的椅子之一。This antique Jetson chair collected by the owner was designed by Swedish furniture designer Bruno Mathsson. Its design highlight is known for its ergonomic fit and it is still one of the most comfortable chairs available today.

▼多功能房需兼备书房&客房的功能切换,顶面内嵌的隐形的窗帘轨道,在必要时提供一定的隐私性。The multi-functional room needs to be able to switch the function between study and guest room, and the invisible curtain track is embedded in the top surface to provide a certain degree of privacy when necessary.

The study table can be folded to meet different usage scenarios.

▼西班牙灯具品牌Santa & Cole这款Sylvestrina充电式台灯,形似一支蜡烛,携带轻便,可作为夜间移动照明,适合在不同场景中变换使用。Sylvestrina is a rechargeable lamp from Spanish lighting brand Santa & Cole. It is shaped like a candle and is portavle. It can be used as mobile lighting at night and is suitable for changing use in different scenes.

▼二层玄关。The second floor corridor.

▼主卧室使用简单的米色调,Ferm Livng的编织壁灯散发自然气息。
Simple beige tones are used in the master bedroom, and the Woven Wall Lights from Ferm Livng exude a natural vibe.

▼儿童房使用更轻量的String组合系统代替传统收纳柜。The children’s room uses String’s combination system instead of traditional storage cabinets.

The top floor is an independent attic, and the condition of being surrounded by windows on three sides is more conducive to creating a continuation of indoor and outdoor.

As a privacy, the attic space pays more attention to inner satisfaction.  For example take a break from office table to the booth, or speak freely with friends on the terrace, this always be the deepest safe haven.

▼天然洞石和柚木材质能给予空间包容感。Natural travertine and teak wood materials can give a sense of inclusion of the space.

▼Lumina Daphine的壁灯灯头通过旋转方向,可以变化光源的发散方向,以此满足不同的场景需求。The wall lamp of Lumina Daphine can change the divergence direction of the light source by rotating light head to meet the needs of different scenes.

▼室内设置地台与户外高度一致,弱化内外场景切换的差异。The platform of the interior design is at the same height as the outdoor ground, so as to weaken the difference between the internal and external scene switching.

▼Herman Miller 5452 Coffee Table、Flos Ara

▼楼梯处内嵌金属板搁架,放置书籍陈设。Metal plate shelves are embedded in the wall of the staircase to store books and display.


项目地点 |  中国杭州
项目面积 |  300㎡设计时间 |  2021.12设计团队 |  夏伟、Sasa、陈璐摄影团队 |  川河映像
Project location |  Hangzhou, ChinaProject area |  300㎡Design period |  2021.12Design team |  Wei Xia、Sasa、Chen LuPhotographic team |  River Studio






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jfn-123 2023-9-22 18:14 来自: 山东青岛
旭友 2023-10-3 17:37 来自: 中国
水巨留 2023-12-4 14:44 来自: 广东广州
古耐 2024-6-28 14:31 来自: 浙江温州
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