这次 我们将通过巧妙的员工餐厅设计 为职场人士提供一个既能享受美食 又能放松心情 更能促进健康的休憩空间 一个能够提供精神慰藉的环境 ... ... 01 项目背景 PROJECT BACKGROUND[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]在2023年度, 金枫设计与汤臣倍健股份有限公司签署战略合作协议,拟对广州总部大楼餐厅进行设计,为其公司新建或改造工程提供一系列的技术支持和技术服务。以汤臣倍健集团的健康理念为指导,我们设计了一个不仅滋养身体,也激发心灵的员工餐厅。这里,每一位员工都能找到属于自己的放松角落,或是在充满活力的工作区迸发创意。本项目旨在创造一个多功能的、结合咖啡厅的休闲氛围的、以及有共享办公的灵活开放的特性的员工餐厅空间。这不仅仅是一个员工餐厅,而是一个生活与工作相结合的绿洲,在这里,你可以在工作闲暇之余感受片刻宁静... In 2023, Goldmaple Design signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tomson Beijian Co., Ltd. to design the restaurant of the Guangzhou headquarters building, provide a series of technical support and technical services for the company's new construction or renovation projects, and achieve a win-win and sustainable strategic partnership. Guided by the wellness philosophy of By-Health Group, we have designed a staff restaurant that not only nourishes the body, but also stimulates the soul. Here, every employee can find their own nook to relax or get creative in a dynamic workspace. The project aims to create a multi-functional space that combines the casual atmosphere of a café, the quiet elegance of a modern tea house, and the flexible and open staff restaurant space for co-working. This is not just a staff restaurant, but an oasis where life and work are combined, where you can feel a moment of peace and quiet after work...
The area where the project is located is the Yuzhuwan Headquarters Cluster of the Second CBD planned in Guangzhou - International Financial City - Huangpu Lingang Economic Zone. At the beginning of 2020, the Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone was introduced, focusing on the construction of three major areas (about 81 square kilometers) on both sides of the Pearl River, Pazhou Area (including the University Town Area), the International Financial City, and the Yuzhu Area, to build a new golden triangle in Guangzhou. 03 设计理念 DESIGN SKETCH“在与客户的沟通过程中,客户明确表示了不希望打造一个传统意义上的员工餐厅,他们期望营造一种更加轻松愉悦的氛围。为此,我们深入调研了具有此类设计理念的场所,如深圳的‘山池’咖啡厅以及‘teastone'原创茶饮店,以捕捉符合客户需求的设计元素。”“In the course of communication with the customer, the customer made it clear that they did not want to create a staff restaurant in the traditional sense, they wanted to create a more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. To do this, we conducted in-depth research on venues with such design concepts, such as the 'Shanchi' café in Shenzhen and the 'teastone' tea shop that is currently popular in Wuhan, to capture the design elements that meet the client's needs. ” ▲图片来源于网络 “我们注意到,虽然这些地方营造了客户所追求的轻松氛围,但也存在一些问题,例如绿植过多,可能导致后期维护困难与成本上升。因此,我们在设计方案中适度减少绿植使用。”"We noticed that while these places created the relaxed atmosphere that our customers were looking for, there were also some problems, such as too much greenery, which could lead to difficult maintenance and higher costs. Therefore, we have moderately reduced the use of greenery in our design schemes. ”
"At the same time, the client wanted to retain some parts of the original building's fit-out, so we blended the old and the new with the use of grey tones and wood elements to harmonize the new design with the original architectural style, which met the client's taste requirements and took into account the economics of later maintenance. In addition, in order to give the space a certain degree of artistry, we pay attention to artistic features in the selection of furniture and lamps. ” [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]“对于建筑原本存在的V字形结构柱,我们通过涂鸦手法强化其视觉张力,使之成为独特的艺术装饰,整个设计旨在打造一个区别于传统员工餐厅的艺术化空间。在室外设计方面,我们充分利用了华南地区优越的天气条件,增设了软装并设置了面向外部的开放式咖啡售卖区,创造了一个具有社交属性的露台空间,完美复刻城市的咖啡文化。这样,员工不仅可以在此用餐,还能享受户外咖啡时光。此外,我们也特别选用了艺术装饰画作为墙面装饰,通过轻硬装的方式提升软装的艺术感...” "For the original V-shaped structural columns of the building, we strengthened their visual tension through graffiti to make them unique art decorations, and the whole design was designed to create an artistic space that is different from the traditional staff canteen. In terms of exterior design, we took advantage of the favorable weather conditions in South China, adding soft furnishings and setting up an open coffee sales area facing the outside to create a terrace space with social attributes. In this way, employees can not only dine here, but also enjoy outdoor coffee time, which perfectly replicates the coffee culture of the city. In addition, we specially selected art deco paintings as wall decorations to enhance the artistic sense of soft decoration through light and hard decoration... ”
04 关于我们ABOUT US[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]金枫设计创始于2009年,汇集国内顶尖室内设计师,组成了一支高素质的国际化团队,并拥有专业人士管理团队资源与技术,常年胜任大型商业公共空间设计项目。公司致力于为投资业主提供方案设计、施工图设计、设计现场监理、艺术陈设顾问等设计全程服务。立足中部,服务全国。截止当前金枫在全国落地项目已覆盖22个省一级区域、40个地市级,未来也将继续向全国扩张。