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“ I believe that I have found a less strict principle: Style fusion. The masterpieces that extend from the past can still be accepted by modern ideas. Just as the modern houses we build, we can also embrace and meet the beauty of those ancient things. ”
     ——Jean-Michel Frank


The owner of the project is a medieval glass enthusiast, who collected thousands of cups and founded the brand of YURUUI for the medieval cup enthusiasts to open the bridge of the collection. These cups come from all over the world, showing the cultural history and technological characteristics of different countries. We heard about the stories with the cups. But instead of designing her home around the theme of cups, we shift this unique aesthetic vision to the interior and furniture areas.

设计之初,我们并没开始着手空间的规划,而是对家具产生了探讨,过程中我们对设计师Jean-Michel Frank的设计理念一拍即合,J-M Frank被誉为“装饰艺术Art Deco”的代表,是法式极简现代主义设计的开创鼻祖。他的设计线条规整,造型简约,摒弃任何繁冗装饰,以此提取「用简约包裹华丽」的设计理念,将来自世界各地的文化融合,打造极简外表下又富有生命力的家。

At the beginning of the design, we first discussed the furniture, rather than the spatial planing.  During this process, we clicked with the design philosophy of Jean-Michel Frank. J-M Frank is known as the representative of the "Art Deco", and is the founder of French minimalist modernist design.  His design lines are neat and simple, abandoning any redundant decoration, so as to extract the design concept of "gorgeous with simplicity", and integrate cultures from all over the world to create a home full of vitality under the minimalist appearance.


In addition to various glassware, YURUUI also collects many wooden sculptures from Africa. They have beautiful lines and exaggerated shapes, and adding a lot of "sense of life" to the space as art furnishings.

▼Hermes的暗格边几,正是J.-M. Frank的设计手笔,蜡染过的麦秸秆手工拼贴出放射纹,在光线下散发不同的颜色,用最朴实材质设计出华丽的质感。

The side table of Hermes is designed by J-M Frank. The batiked wheat straw is hand-collaged with a sunburst pattern, which emits different colors under light and is designed with the most earthy materials to create a gorgeous texture.


In the design, we make use of wireframe arrays to emphasize simplicity and orderliness. For this purpose, we custom-made square in-line wooden flooring, which unfolds neatly and orderly like the way stone is laid.

Sofa:Liaigre Rocco Sofa

Armchairs:Phantom Hands

Table Lamp:Martinelli Luce, Minipipistrello lamp

▼客厅的边柜来自北欧家具设计大师Hans J.Wegner RY-25,包浆的黑黄檀木纹充满了自然张力。

The side cabinet RY-25 is from Hans J.Wegner, a Nordic furniture designer.  The surface texture of sandalwood, which has been formed by the friction and precipitation of the years, is full of tension.

▼Liaigre Nagato实木墩子的设计概念,是在将来的使用过程中仍然会产生出随机的裂痕,来显现天然材质生命力的特征。

Liaigre Nagato's desgin concept is that solid wood will continue to produce random cracks during future use, showing the vitality of natural materials.


Leisure Chair:Fritz Hansen PK0

Floor Lamp:Ingo Maurer Babadul Floor Lamp


After the demolition of the original guest bathroom, the brand Poliform created an open kitchen and a four metres long island to meet the social of the communal area.


The horizontally striated walnut and grey travertine show a strong line tension under the reflection of the mirror.

Cabinets:Rosewood Pre-loved tall cabinets

Dining Chairs:Fritz Hansen PK9

Table:KNOLL Saarinen Dining Table


The original housekeeping balcony was transformed into a study room, where many books about cups were displayed,making it the best place to be alone.

Desk:Dassi Mobili Moderni Palutari Edmondo 1960s
Chair:Niels Jørgen Haugesen 1980s

A burl is an imprint that a tree experiences as it grows. Every time a tree has experienced of wind and rain will leave a unique trace. This material is treated in the most concise way by a rectangular array.


In the choice of curtain fabric, the form of rectangular array is still presented, which has the same design concept as the wood floor.


Compared with the diversity of the living area, the bedroom is much simpler, only the decoration of the tree burl texture is retained, and the rest of the white space does not give much information to the bedroom space.

Table Lamp:Lumina Daphine


The master bathroom uses a seamless white travertine slab to create a simple and light atmosphere.


▼平面图 | Plan


项目地点 |  中国杭州

项目面积 |  180㎡

设计时间 |  2021.11

设计团队 |  夏伟、杨晨愉、陈璐

摄影团队 |  川河映像

Project location |  Hangzhou, China

Project area |  180㎡

Design period |  2021.11

Design team |  Wei Xia、Chenyu Yang,Lu Chen

Photographic team | River Studio   

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vx小程序搜:   十月素材

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