2005日本空间创作大赛<br /><br />竞赛宗旨<br />Today, we live in an age that is constantly giving birth to new information and innovations, enhancing our lives with ever-increasing<br />diversity and variety. We at WORLD Co., Ltd. have always strived to stay ahead of the times in an untiring effort to bring people the very latest in mode and fashion styles. And now, in collaboration with talented creators who constitute the upcoming designers of our times, we are ready to introduce an entirely new, unprecedented concept of shop style to the world.<br /><br />To achieve this, we present the "WORLD Space Creators Awards 2005," the purpose of which is to give participants the opportunity to create a new spatial design conceived to promote "Customer-to-shop Interaction." Creators from Japan and abroad are invited to propose original and innovative ideas unfettered by conventional approaches to style. This represents our first step in the process of making a "concept" a "true reality," achieved by joining hands with the forces of free, unrestricted creativity.<br /><br />We at WORLD will provide the opportunity for creators who present outstanding ideas to advance their careers and will support their creative work by providing the means to make the concepts proposed into a reality.<br /><br />主题<br />探索未来/Discover your future today!<br />- 购物形式的全新概念,提升消费者与商场之互动交流<br /><br />请自由表达您对新的购物形式的想象,可以展示给我们您所想象的商场室内环境、展示及图形等(空间的占地面积最多170平米,高度及形状不限)<br /><br />评委<br />Jury President :<br />Naoto Fukazawa, designer<br />Waro Kishi, architect<br />Marketing Division, WORLD Co., Ltd.<br /><br />奖金<br /> rize for Excellence<br />The winner(s) will be invited to participate in new projects for WORLD in the year 2005 as their prize. (The number of winners is to be determined) <br />* When a project is actually commissioned details may differ from the winning proposal, or the winning proposal may only be partially adopted, depending on the outline of the new project.<br />* The form, terms and timing of the project contract will be determined subject to discussion between WORLD Co., Ltd. and the winner(s).<br /><br />参赛资格<br />This competition is open to professional as well as non-professional entrants of all nationalities and ages.<br />Entries may also be made by groups or companies, in which case an individual from that group or company should be named as the entrant.<br /><br />参赛程序<br />* An entry form should be filled out and attached to the submitted work.<br />Entry forms can be downloaded from the WORLD Space Creators Awards 2005 website (opening mid-September on the WORLD website)<br />* The description of the entry must be 400 English words (800 Japanese characters) or less.<br />* Please forward entries by post or overnight delivery service. We will not accept entries via e-mail or delivered by hand.<br />* An entrant may submit more than one entry.<br /><br />Entry Sheet<br />* In order to view the entry sheet (PDF), the latest version of "(Adobe)<br />Acrobat Reader" is required. <br /><br />作品提交<br />* For each entry, please set out the work and the concept on no more than four sheets of A3 standard (or, as close as possible to 297×420mm) sized paper.<br />*Although there are no presentation style guidelines for the submitted work, proposals should be presented in such a manner that facilitates visualization of your idea.<br />* Please affix photographs and other graphic images to the submitted work, as the formats below will not be accepted:<br />- three-dimensional forms such as models<br />- data on MOs or FDs or video<br /><br />IMPORTANT<br />*Entries are limited to previously unpublished works. Works entered previously in other competitions or published otherwise are ineligible.<br />* Please refrain from submitting entries in other competitions or presentations.<br />*If a work risks infringing upon any copyrights, rights to likeness, trademark rights, design rights or any other rights held by a third<br />party, the entrant is responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and stating any such clearance upon submission of the entry.<br />* As a rule, please refrain from using copyrighted images reproduced from sources such as magazines, books or websites. Should any third party initiate an action claiming infringement of rights or should any other dispute arise, the entrant will be held responsible for dealing with such action or dispute and shall bear any costs incurred, including any damages incurred by the competition organizer.<br /><br />If a work fails to satisfy the above requirements, it may be disqualified, or after being named winner the award may be revoked.<br /><br />报名<br />Starting:<br />Monday, November 15, 2004<br />截止: www.dolcn.com<br />Monday, December 20, 2004<br /><br />WORLD Space Creators Awards 2005 Secretariat<br />2nd Floor, Fonte Nishi-Harajuku, 1-13-9 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0063<br />Japan<br /><br />结果公布<br />* Winners will be notified in writing by the end of February, 2005.<br />* The winning entries will be announced on the WORLD website (end of February 2005)<br />* We will not respond to any queries regarding the judging or the results.<br /><br />ENTRIES<br />* Entries will not be returned. If necessary, the entrant should make and retain copies.<br />* The copyrights and any other intellectual property rights to an entry reside with the entrant. If necessary, any procedure such as registering designs should be cleared before entry by the entrant.<br />* The intellectual property rights (including copyrights) of winning entries reside with the entrant, but the organizer retains the right to announce winning entries. Further, the competition organizer retains priority rights for registration of exclusive use rights when<br />intellectual property rights such as copyrights and design rights are held by the entrant. <br />* While the copyrights to an entry reside with the entrant, the competition organizer retains the right to print, publish, include in<br />websites, display or otherwise announce any work entered for WORLD Space Creators Awards 2005 publicity purposes. The organizer will inform the entrant with details upon any such publicity use.<br /><br />详情咨询:<br />http://www.world.co.jp/SpaceCreatorsAwards<br /><br />http://liuxianjun.512j.com<br /><br /> <br /> |