城市生活的快节奏和高压环境似乎是每个省会中心城市无法改变的事实。家庭结构的复杂状况又使很大一部分城市新中产无法真正开启说走就走的旅行。 城市周边度假游的需求似乎就在这个状态下萌芽。如何让这一群体重新找到周末的闲暇和放松,是我们解决问题的方向。
The fast pace of urban life and the high pressure of the environment seem to be a fact that no provincial capital can change. The complexity of the family structure made much of the new urban middle class cannot start a walkaway journey at any time.And the demand for holiday travel around the city seems to be growing in this stage.How to make this group find the leisure and relaxation of weekend again is our direction to solve the problem.