
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 穿起你的小丝袜 于 2019-7-12 09:46 编辑

Tomioka市以其作为世界遗产的Tomioka丝织厂而闻名。在深棕色为主的城市环境中,当地商会购买了一家传统和服店“Yoshino Gofuku-ten”并重新改造利用。项目起初主要是对当地历史风貌的修复,但由于道路扩建,旧会议厅被拆除,因此需要建造一处新的办公会议及公共活动空间。

The city of Tomioka is known for its world heritage Tomioka Silk Mill. Within its dark-brown townscape, The Chamber of Commerce purchased “Yoshino Gofuku-ten” a traditional Kimono store to relocate to. The project began as a rejuvenation of the historical landscape, brought about due to a road expansion that saw the demolition of the old conference hall.

▼建筑外观,exterior view  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

传统商店很难保持其原有的形式,与私人住宅不同,它需要根据日常需求重新设计。Yoshino和服店也是如此,它在过去经历了一系列毫无计划的整修——许多木柱被切断后用钢框架加固。最令人惊讶的是这家商店能够一直保留到现在,商店主体部分已经倒塌,只剩下了沿街立面,这栋危房很快就被拆除,只有屋瓦被保留下来。仓库虽然遗失了一些柱子,但仍可以在加固修复后重新使用。两个保留下来的屋顶使用当地传统的抹灰覆盖:仓库屋顶是原来保留下来的,主体部分的屋顶则是后来修复的。商会主席在建造开始时就提出要求:“Tomioka的繁荣不仅仅体现在它的历史遗产上,我们希望建筑也能够展现城市的未来。”Tomioka也是许多世界领先科技公司的所在地,例如IHI这样拥有太空火箭的公司和Nihon Kouden医疗设备公司。

It is often difficult to maintain a traditional shop in its original form. Unlike in private houses, it is destined to be redesigned according to daily needs. Yoshino kimono store was no exception, as it had undergone some haphazard renovations – many timber columns had been cut off and was reinforced by steel framework. It was a wonder how it had remained its from to this day. The main house begun to collapse, and soon all it had left was the street facade. It became a hazard and was immediately removed, only its roof tiles were to be preserved. The storehouse, despite losing some pillars, was able to be reinforced and conserved. The two preserved roof was capped with plaster-works traditional to the area; the storehouse with its original, and main house with a reconstruction. “Tomioka is not a town that only thrives on the past. We want the future to be expressed through the building.” This was the request from the president of the Chamber of Commerce upon beginning the construction. Having companies such as IHI with their space rockets, and Nihon Kouden with medical equipment, Tomioka is home to many world leaders in technologies.

▼项目及城镇肌理,building and town context  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA


The building is composed of repeating roof ridges, devised in respect to the traditional townscape. The form is also intended to establish the structural system, as sketched out from the initial stage. The intention was to copy the impression of the wooden truss of Tomioka Silk Mill. However, merely duplicating the old structure is uninspiring – it had to represent Tomioka as the city of the future.

▼建筑采用了重复屋脊形式,the building is composed of repeating roof ridges  ©TEZUKA ARCHITECTS


A path cuts through the long and narrow site. It is a historical road connecting Tomioka Silk Mill and the City Hall. This space allows light into the building, and provides a sheltered public space, used for events such as the traditional town festivals. The storehouse located at the end of the road has been restored and designated as a gate to the historical district. The tile buried at the central axis of the road is the tiles recovered from the old Yoshino kimono store.

▼一条小路穿过狭长的场地,道路中轴线使用的砖瓦回收自老和服商店的建筑材料,a path cuts through the long and narrow site; the tile buried at the central axis of the road is the tiles recovered from the old Yoshino kimono store  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA


▼建筑道路一侧立面,street front facade  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

Along the street front is the Main Hall. At the back sits a Grand Piano which has been donated by the family of Yoshino Kimono store. The hall does not have any fixed seating, nor any devices that controls the acoustic. What it has instead is a brilliant accessibility from the street, and versatility for the public. From an Orchestra concert to a practice space for local festive dance, the Hall can provide a backdrop for every aspect of public life in the city. This is where people gather, a new heart for the local community.

▼大厅内没有固定座位和声音控制设备,he hall does not have any fixed seating, nor any devices that controls the acoustic  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

▼大厅后方是Yoshino和服商店家族捐赠的大钢琴,空间可以用于各种公共活动,at the back sits a Grand Piano which has been donated by the family of Yoshino Kimono store; the Hall can provide a backdrop for every aspect of public life in the city  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA


In this building, the Diagonal members are not used as truss beams like in the Silk Mill, but rather used as elements that create planer rigidity. The planes meet with each other at their edges, creating a monocoque effect. With angle braces and knee braces supporting the framework, the result is a geometry that clearly shows the dynamics of the force.

▼空间中使用对角斜撑结构,the diagonal members in the interior  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

从整体结构到雨棚,对角网格模式不断重复出现,甚至书架也采用相同的建造模式。最初,这种图案形状是从建筑屋脊形式中衍生而来,也像是养蚕时使用的格子框架。此外,这种图案与菱纹墙(Namako wall)非常相似,这是一种白色黏土墙,广泛应用于具有防火需求的仓库建筑中,原来的Yoshino和服商店的仓库也是用了该结构。木构建筑既是最古老也是最先进的建筑技术。木结构真正的价值是能够形成结构到固定部件之间的连续统一。新商会是一个真正的木构建筑,由工匠建造而成,它不会老旧过时,而是在时间的流逝下逐渐变化,更具特色和愈发美观。建筑师希望这里与丝织厂一样,在未来的几个世纪中成为Tomioka的标志性建筑。
▼会议办公区域,conference and working area  ©Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan  ©TEZUKA ARCHITECTS

▼二层平面图,first floor plan  ©TEZUKA ARCHITECTS

▼剖面图,section  ©TEZUKA ARCHITECTS

Tomioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Principal Use: Office building

Location : Gunma Tomioka City

Building area: 502.34 m2 (Sleeve storage: 44.95 m2)

Total floor area: 801.64 m2 (sleeve storage: 86.64 m2)

Site area: 1067.24 m2 (including sleeve storage: 83.25 m2)

Max height: 12060mm

Elevated height: 5,473 mm

Floor height: 2,964 mm

Ceiling height: 2,615 mm

Main span: 1,600 mm × 1, 287 mm

Structure: wooden

Architects: Tezuka architects / Takaharu Tezuka + Yui Tezuka + Keiji Yabe

Structure: Ohno JAPAN / Hirofumi Ohno + Ryuhei Fujita + Takehiro Ebisawa

Lighting Design: Bonbori Lighting Architects & Associates, Inc

Design period: January 2016 – May 2017

Construction period: June 2017 – May 2018


Photographers website: http://www.katsuhisakida.com/






Lanc888 2019-7-12 11:43 来自: 江苏南京
开开Kieran 2019-7-12 14:50 来自: 重庆
左顾鹏 2019-7-12 16:00 来自: 江苏常州
来日方_n38YY 2019-7-14 08:47 来自: 山东
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