Mim Design是澳大利亚最优秀的设计公司之一,通过对光,空间,材料和工艺的运用,打造出适应客户的生活方式的空间表现,并提供温暖的感觉。
Mim Design is one of Australia's finest design companies, creating a space that adapts to the customer's lifestyle and provides a warm feeling through the use of light, space, materials and craftsmanship.
Balwyn Park 真正的匠人精神
Balwyn公园坐落在墨尔本东郊绿树成荫的地方,因其大型而美丽的花园而闻名。Balwyn公园由DKO建筑事务所、Mim Design和Paul Bangay Garden Design合作设计而成,让您有机会感觉每天早上在大师精心策划的家中醒来。
Balwyn Park sits in the leafy eastern suburbs of Melbourne, renowned for its large and beautiful gardens. Born of a collaboration between DKO Architects, Mim Design and Paul Bangay Garden Design, Balwyn Park offers the rare and exclusive opportunity to wake each morning in a home thoughtfully curated by masters in their field.
这12 x 3间卧室的住宅提供了一个独特的设置-整体感觉是一个大的家庭花园与周围的公园融合。当高耸入云的玻璃吸引了内部空间的外部美时——几乎是绘画般的风景背景——金属蚀刻和哑光黑色以几何的、现代的方式勾勒出空间。大胆的垂直线条与柔和的曲线相互映衬,给这些住宅注入了一种真正的匠人精神。
These 12 x 3-bedroom homes offer a unique setting – the overall feeling is one of a large domestic garden blending with the surrounding parks. While soaring expanses of glass invite the external beauty within internal spaces – framing the almost painting-like backdrop of the landscape like canvases on the walls – etchings of metallic and matte-black delineate spaces in a geometric, modern way. The play of bold vertical lines against gentle curves imbues these homes with a true sensation of craftsmanship.
Quartet Residence 过去的优雅与现代相融
这个由Mim Design设计的位于南亚拉的一种罕见的四种经典风格组合的住宅,它被认为是密切融合其现有的街景,所形成的简易风格。每个住宅都将低层居住空间与底层庭院的丰富景观连接起来,让自然景观作为内部住宅的背景。在室内,古典主义与自然美之间的对话仍在继续。
A rare composition of just four classical homes Quartet designed by Mim Design, located in South Yarra, has been intimately considered to effortlessly meld within its existing streetscape. Connecting lower level living spaces to the abundant landscaping of ground floor courtyards, each residence invites the natural vistas that act as a backdrop to the homes inside. Internally, the dialogue between classicism and the unrefined beauty of nature continues.
Floor plans have been intentionally considered to orient different living spaces toward sunlight at varying parts of the day. Honouring the classical aesthetic of the surrounding architecture, Quartet marries the elegance of the past with accents of modernity. Luxuries like freestanding baths, wall mounted shelving, full-length wardrobes, world-leading fixtures and a decadent, texturally rich suite of finishes, the continuity of elegance experienced within Quartet has been expertly executed.
No. 1 Bryson 空间、比例和质量
Mim Design设计的Bryson 1号住宅旨在唤起所有来自家的感觉,而不是典型的公寓。这包括空间、比例和质量。其巧妙地规划了独立的洗衣间和管家的储藏室,以及宽敞的,娱乐为主的厨房,餐厅和生活区,细节与完成的水平不相妥协。
The 8 residences designed by Mim Design at No. 1 Bryson, which were designed to evoke all feelings that come from a home, not your typical apartment. This included space, proportion and quality. The level of detail and finish is uncompromised, with clever planning allowing separate laundries and Butlers’ pantries, as well as spacious, entertaining-focused kitchen, dining and living zones.
The special addition to the larger footprints is a walk-in wine cellar that overlooks the staggering rear yard space that encompasses an amazing 660sqm of outdoor entertaining, gardens and a stunning large pool.