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意大利符号学家Umberto Eco在谈到意大利设计时说:“如果别的国家有一种设计理论,意大利则有一套设计哲学。” The famous Italian semiotician Umberto Eco once said: "If other countries have the theory of design, then Italy has a philosophy and ideology of design".
传统的繁复与当代的简约均在这个艺术国度做到了极致,1956年诞生于米兰的家居品牌Rimadesio便承袭着终极简约的天然基因。 Both traditional complexity and contemporary simplicity have been perfected to the outmost in this artistic country. Rimadesio, a furniture brand born in Milan in 1956, inherits Italy's minimalist gene.
意式极简遇上“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的杭州 Italian-style minimalism encountering with charming Hangzhou
从昔日文人笔墨下的天堂之境,到如今成为中国最具品牌意识的城市之一,杭州以人文厚度与时尚吸附力粹炼出“生活品质之城”的定位。Rimadesio将其全球第44座展厅选址于此,足见杭州作为新一线头部城市的购买潜力和辐射效应。 Hangzhou, eulogized as "paradise" by various ancient literati, has become one of the most brand-conscious Chinese cities and has oriented towards building itself into the "City of Quality Life" based on the rich cultural context and fashion attractiveness. The project, the 44th Rimadesio showroom, is located in Hangzhou, fully manifesting this first-tier city's strong purchase potential and leading role.
作为杭州本土的室内设计中坚力量,GFD广飞专注服务于高端房企、酒店、商业,此次为全球各地豪宅项目中最受青睐的Rimadesio产品打造杭州展厅,是继零八年将意大利数个顶级家具融入九树,一五年将德国顶级橱柜bulthaup融入悦蓝会设计后,再度与世界级家具品牌的深度合作。 The project design was approached by GFD, a Hangzhou-based interior design studio, which is dedicated to serving for high-end property developers, hotels and commerce. This is not the first time that GFD has cooperated with world-class furniture brands. In 2008, the design studio brought Italian furniture into the show flat of "Ninetree Village", and created a showroom for the German kitchen manufacturer bulthaup in 2015.
杭州Rimadesio展厅所在的公元大厦坐落于西湖区核心商圈,该大厦由德国GMP建筑师事务所操刀设计全程品控,是杭城利落理性的现代地标。大厦室内铺陈从建筑的基本架构出发,精工、严谨,与Rimadesio极简的意式奢华美学相得益彰。 The project is situated in Gongyuan Building within the commercial hub of Xihu District, Hangzhou. Designed by the German architecture firm gmp Architekten, the building is a local modern landmark. The interior layout of the showroom follows the rigorous architectural structure, which complements Rimadesio's Italian-style simplistic luxurious aesthetics.
△杭州西湖 ©Getty Images
以“家”的概念延展生活场景的无限可能 Showcasing infinite possibilities of daily life scenes based on the concept of "Home"
室内叙事有意营造亲和感的居家氛围,以展示Rimadesio覆盖近80%家居系统的高效性能。家的动线贯穿客餐厅、工作间、卧室及衣帽室等功能区,将直线分割的空间界面与美学的韵律节奏相结合,演绎出多元平衡的生活场景,也与静驻于每个角落的Rimadesio家具形成统一和谐的整体。 The interior design aims to create an intimate home-like atmosphere, so as to showcase Rimadesio's efficient and diversified home furnishing systems. The circulation route runs through the living and dining area, working space, bedroom, walk-in closet and other functional areas. Besides, the overall design combines the spatial interfaces segmented by lines with aesthetic rhymes, hence presenting diversified and balanced daily life scenes and integrating all the Rimadesio furniture within the space as a coordinated whole.
透着自然肌理的大理石自成泼墨写意的背景,餐桌以圆形姿态寄寓中国人对于家庭祥和的美好向往,同时与办公长桌构成方圆之间的张弛之道。细部陈设有着艺术雕塑般的几何美感,壁面内嵌的隐性灯带烘托出柔性的氛围并扩增空间尺度,使一器一物如同生命体般呈现与隐匿。 The marble wall featuring ink and wash patterns provides an elegant backdrop, and the round table carries Chinese people's yearning for family harmony, which also forms a contrast with the long rectangular desk. The small decorative items show sculpture-like geometric aesthetic, and the light strips embedded into the wall generate a soft atmosphere, so that all the articles vividly appear and hide in the space.
木头与磨石面以自然原始的肌理,为约150平方米的有限体量注入无限生机,高度环保且极具可塑性的玻璃和铝合金与之呼应,以细腻的触感丰富了空间层次。无论建筑结构、室内装饰或产品系统,皆以流利笔挺的线条和低度的颜色,将品牌低调谦逊而臻于品质的气度娓娓道来。 With natural grains, the wooden and terrazzo surfaces inject vitality to the 140-square-meter space, and are echoed by the flexible environment-friendly glass and aluminum alloy, which enrich the sense of layering in the space with delicate tactile textures. The interior structures, decorations and product system, are all characterized by neat lines and light colors, fully embodying the brand's low profile and high quality.
极简之下暗藏玄机,细节落地精确到毫米 Meticulously precise details
从自由组合的层架到步入式衣橱,度身定制的多元化体系为日常收纳与展示功能提供可能的方案。无任何多余套线的推拉式移门精准围合成隔断系统,墙体之间皆留有精确到毫米的空隙,在“落地无痕”的开合之间营造灵动的呼吸感。 From free combinations of shelves to the walk-in closet, the bespoke diversified furniture systems provide storage and display solutions for daily life. Sliding doors constitute partitions, with their edges not being wrapped, so as to leave gaps to the walls. The gaps are precise to the [url=]millimeter[/url]. As opening and closing the doors, no trace is left on the floor, which is full of flexibility and lightness.
精细极简场景下是研究上大量的投入和近乎较真的细节落地,设计上从各处理性的推演出最优的空间细分尺度,使杭州Rimadesio以一种宜居的平静语境,完美诉说有关结构、材料和空间协调性的品牌故事。 To present exquisite and minimalist life scenes, GFD made great and meticulous efforts in terms of analysis and details. The design team strove to work out the most appropriate scale for spatial division, with a view to showcasing Rimadesio products in a livable and tranquil context and telling the brand story via the structures, materials and spatial coordination.
△平面图 项目名称:Rimadesio杭州展厅 项目性质:商业展厅设计 项目地址:杭州市西湖区求是路8号公元大厦 室内设计:GFD杭州广飞室内设计事务所 设计协调:叶飞 主案设计师:Lucia 设计落地:刘骅莹 项目面积:140㎡ 完工日期:2018.12 主要材料:Techsize岩板、PERGO地板、EYCO涂料 业主:麦迪森集团 摄影:刘钢强