Aesop歌赋街店位于香港中环一个繁华的街角。在这个快节奏的,充满不断变化的城市中,Aesop歌赋街店是我们为Aesop打造的第17家品牌店铺,其设计更多的是体现在保护而非创新。 ▼位于中环街角的Aesop歌赋街店,Aesop Gough Street sits on a bustling corner in central Hong Kong
Aesop Gough Street sits on a bustling corner in central Hong Kong. Amongst the fast paced, continually changing nature of the city, Gough Street, our 17th signature store for Aesop, is more about preservation than innovation. ▼店铺三面临街被交汇的街道切割成楔形,present and visible from two thirds of its sides and being a wedge shape cut on the angle by Aberdeen Street
设计首要克服的条件,即不是与之对抗,而是拥抱场地的形状。店铺三面临街,在鸭巴甸街街角交汇处被街道切割成一块楔形,店铺内中央设有独立的方形柜台,柜台台面做了下沉式处理。后墙与产品陈列融为一体,设计还保留了原来的旋转楼梯。整体布局依从从前到后的跨越700mm高差的水平地板。因此,玻璃砖地砖在此得到了充分运用。 ▼街道的景观引入室内的地面景观,the gesture at Gough Street became a ground-scape
▼中央有独立的方形柜台,a central square counter with free standing
Rather than working against it, the first challenge to overcome was to embrace the shape of the site. Being present and visible from two thirds of its sides, and being a wedge shape cut on the angle by Aberdeen Street, a central square counter with free standing, oscillating testing sinks was the solution. The rear wall lends itself to the product, an existing spiral stair is retained. The layout however, relies on the floor being levelled across a 700mm differential, from front, to back. In this case, a glass brick floor is allowed to flourish. ▼后墙与产品陈列融为一体,the rear wall lends itself to the product
▼旋转楼梯,an existing spiral stair is retained
▼玻璃砖,a glass brick floor
当一个人弯着腰,气喘吁吁地通过香港步行街时,人们发现自己几乎总是只盯着地面。身体的姿态顺应了该区域的街道坡度,行人持续地关注地面,决定下一步该往哪儿走。所以将Gough街的街道坡度,引入到店铺的地面景观,显然十分合适。 As one labours through the stepping streets of Hong Kong, bent over, gasping for oxygen, one finds themselves staring almost exclusively at the ground. The posture of the body acknowledges the gradient of streets in this area, constantly looking at the ground and deciding on which step to take next. It was fitting therefore, that the gesture at Gough Street became a ground-scape. ▼店铺入口处,the entrance
▼平面图,ground plan