
25高清案例 SU模型 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 浆果设计研究所 于 2022-12-2 18:29 编辑

周博 & 蔡雨洋

Zhou Bo & Cai Yuyang
Co-Founder of Jingle Design


Thinking about cost, operation and community and immersive experience are the three-sphere integrated elementsof the modern commercial hotel design. Amid strict business logic, abundant lifestyle, and artistic style, the daily life contains the extraordinary, shaping a rest place for body and mind in a corner of the city. Hello, GOODNIGHT.

—— 谷奈酒店

We live in the sun, and calm the mind in the glow of moon. Night is a time when emotions surge, so take a few minutes and let Gunai heal you.



Located in the Youth Avenue of Shenyang and near the Sanhao Street on the east, GUNAI HOTEL occupies a unique location which allows it to enjoy tranquility and convenience at the same time. In Jingles design, commercial logic and hospitality experience are combined perfectly, making GUNAI HOTEL a haven to record wonderful moments of travelers resting here.


Hotel is not only a venue for commercial and travel stopover, but also an important part in modern lifestyle. Jingle Design, guided by the philosophy of make commercial space more alive, is commissioned by the GUNAI HOTEL, whose aim is to heal the travelers. Based on commercial logic, the two sides agreed on the cost, artistic aesthetics, community atmosphere and interactive experience, allowing young consumers and consumer culture to collide and resonate in the space, and making travelers immerse themselves in the sensory interaction between aesthetics and experience.

浆果设计在本案中的角色,是以空间体验的导演身份统筹全局大框架,以生活方式的意见领袖视角,雕琢日常场景的小细节,“我们希望打造的谷奈酒店,更像是一个多元的能量聚场,休憩功能是基础,休憩之外的交集是有趣的源点 —— 如若从固有的经验中驶离,会发现这个世界超乎所想,惊喜常在。”设计师如是阐释道。

Jingle Design acts as the director of space experience, undertaking the overall plan and detail design from the perspective of a lifestyle leader. We hope to create a haven for body and mind, where guests can get away from convention and experience that they have never imagined.explained the designer.  


Quiet and distinctive, the entrance dominated by soft light attracts people to explore for more. Opening the gate, you will leave the hustle and bustle behind and step into a mysterious space, which feels like opening a box of beautiful memories.

一如小王子在B612星球种下独属于他的那只玫瑰花,空间中的木质星球,是独属于谷奈酒店的浪漫装置,其历经打磨的时间、文化、艺术、质地,成为个人旅程的独特记忆 —— 伫立守候,浪漫送达。在夜色交织的空间世界中行走,场景的内敛质感超越了设计“规则”,定义层层秩序,感知叙事的魅力。

Just like the rose planted by the little prince on B-612, the wooden planet in the space is a romantic installation only belonging to GUNAI HOTEL. Its texture as well as the artistic and cultural atmosphere it shapes will become a unique memory for travelers. Walking in the interwoven world of night, the introspective sense of space transcends the "rules" of design and the charm of narrative is perceived.

在结构的穿插中,浆果设计赋予DREAM BAR大堂吧与谷奈生活馆空间社交、休憩、茶饮的多元功能。错落倒影中,大体积玻璃与功能构筑物以丰富的交糅关系,为内部创造全新的公共空间,同时在自然光的环绕中,烘托出通透明亮的互动场景。

In the interlacing of structure, Jingle Design has empowered the lobby of DREAM BAR and the living hall of GUNAI multiple functions of social contact, rest and tea drinking. Under the shadow, the large glass and functional structure create a new interior public space with combined effects, while exhibiting a transparent and bright interactive scene surrounded by natural lights.


The hotel's real reception lobby is located on the L floor, continuing the material of the elevator vestibule. The reception desk made of terrazzo and concrete stands back in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, while the parquet floor becomes the source of the unique texture of the space in light and shadow.


The realization of the value of a commercial space is closely related to the payback period. Jingle Design knows well how to boost endurance of commerce and help clients get greater economic returns. To accomplish business goals based on the logic of market, cost control is a key link. The design of business hotels pays special attention to the cost and return. Thus, for GUNAI HOTEL, we choose terrazzo of different colors and apply it to the walls and floors, trying to create an elegant and harmonious space, and more importantly, maximize the value of design.said the designer.


The interest of lifestyle and the cycle of time are linked together. With sunrise and sunset, the full moon and stars in the sky, the moment of the bonfire, which is different from the romance of the public, frames leisure and romance. The indoor and outdoor integrated lights rendering in the seemingly simple repetitive structure, demonstrates the infinite possibilities of space.


Next to the reception lobby, the hollow construction of metal lines encloses a full-time restaurant. The contrast of orange and green, the combination of warm ceiling and lighting, and the curved arch wall under the sunlight are all connected in a painting, just like Auguste Renoirs Le déjeuner des canotiers(Luncheon of the Boating Party), injecting a touch of artistic metaphorical beauty.


Today, the positioning and variety of hotels differ from the past, deriving the standardized norms and differentiated personalities, with the concepts of lifestyle, modern commerce and community ownership involved in hotel creation. Turning into the long corridor, the light and shadow vision illustrates the classic outline of space structure, like a raft of sparkling stars. Thanks to the distinctive angles, wooden material, fashionable carpet texture, and the proper invisible lights that sublimates the warmth, a timeless elegant vibe is conveyed.

精巧的细节从客房的入口,一直延续至空间的内部,隐形灯饰牵引着人的视线游走与停顿,最终落点于可视化的关键信息之上 —— 温馨暖光映衬着房间号及门把手,无声之中完成场景的连续性。同时,不同户型的客房,从硬装选材到软装陈设,均呈现出结构模块化、家具人性化的特质,最终以多方面的合力来助推商业目标的达成。

The delicate details extend from the entrance of guest rooms to the interior of the space. The invisible lights will grasp peoples attention to the room number and door handle under warm lights. At the same time, the different type of guest rooms all present the characteristics of modular structure and human-friendly furniture from hard decoration to soft furnishing, ultimately promoting the realization of commercial targets with concert efforts from many aspects.

“形式服务于功能,功能服务于体验。”浆果设计对商业的思索深度,在空间中透过功能场景的连贯性而得以凸显,质朴材质、素色陈设是视觉感知的表面层次,纯粹简约的氛围是沉浸式体验的结果 —— 别无二致的素雅亦有打动人心的力量。在空间暖调与深色的碰撞中,偏安城市一隅的惬意体验不彰自显,表达着酒店独具的温馨亲和力。

Form serves function while function serves experience.Jingle Designdeep thinking on business is demonstrated in the coherent functional scenes of the space. The simple material and plain furnishing affects visual perception, and the pure atmosphere results from immersive experience- The unique simplicity and elegance also can touch peoples mind. Amid the collision of warm tones and dark color, an unique warm affinity of the hotel is expressed, with the cosy experience  in the corner of the city.


Therefore, without difficulty, as the modern hotels have also become the derivative of lifestyle, every inch of the space is distinct from homes, giving people an infinite imagination of living in somewhere else . By using ink black, pure white, poetic dark green and layered elegant gray, the designer has given the space a classic color scheme with balanced proportions, injecting a modern and fashionable vibe and painting a new and fresh urban life picture for people.


The staring point of modern businesses is to attract peoples attention and then transform into experience, so do our deign for commercial hotel, which retains the interest of modern lifestyle in the scenes for a long time. Jingle Design aims to create a community communication space for fitness clientele in the hotel, with transparent floor-to-ceiling windows and simple fitness equipment used to develop diverse interest and upgrade living experience. The public self-service laundry with delicate design and color scheme, provides an all-around facility and humanized experience service.  


"Business hotels are service-oriented spaces, and our design is also service-oriented, the core of which is to provide experiences and create values.In Jingles design for GUNAI HOTEL, we can see the strict cost control, the rigorous return logic and the unique immersive experience. As a director of space experience, Jingle Design presents the commercial logic, utility functions, delightful romance and community lifestyle in front of us, and drives the upgrade of the brand value and the cultural experience, while promoting the added value of scenarios for customers. Being a haven of peace and serenity, GUNAI HOTELs soothing rhythm and cosy atmosphere provide a refreshing experience for body and mind in the city.

项目 |谷奈酒店
地址 |中国·沈阳
LOCATIONShenyang, China
面积 4710
AREA 4,710 sq.m
DATESeptember 2019
设计| 浆果设计研究所
FIRM Jingle Design
主创 |周博、蔡雨洋
DESIGNER Zhou Bo, Cai Yuyang
团队 |曹娜、张世勇、罗允彤
TEAMCao Na, Zhang Shiyong, Luo Yuntong
摄影 图派视觉
材料 |水磨石、艺术涂料、乳胶漆、金属管、玻璃、金属喷漆等
MATERIALS Terrazzo, art paint, latex paint, metal pipes, glass, metal spray paint, etc.

浆果 Jingle Design
Jingle Signifies
A Surging and Vibrant Fruit.


Jingle Design Institute was founded in 2016 by two pioneering designers, Zhou Bo and Cai Yuyang, with offices in Shanghai and Shenyang respectively. The team is committed to " achieving spatial aesthetics with business logic; creating amazing experiences continuously". Jingle Design provides holistic professional services, from business positioning and planning, space design to soft furnishings and installation art, which help to create sustainable value for commercial brands.


With the brand concept of "making commercial spaces vibrant", Jingle Design constantly explores the possibilities in commercial spaces and interactive experiences. As directors of spatial experiences and lifestyle opinion leaders, the Jingle team overturns the past to present more cutting-edge design. Their work covers diverse commercial spaces, including boutique hotels, resort spas, food and beverage retail spaces, beauty clubs and showroom designs, which allow the space to be both aesthetically and experientially satisfying.

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