Koma是一家位于印尼万隆一个建筑可视化工作室,专门从事静态图像和静态虚拟现实世界各地的项目。从2015年开始,已经与超过100 +客户,全球和已经完成了5000 +完成图像。 作为视觉公司专业从事建筑和室内可视化,充当设计师思想与表达成果的先衔接者,创建项目中连续性。努力探索的巨大创造力和想象力在每一个建筑项目,领悟设计师的主要设计核心。他们专注于豪宅领域,与众多优秀设计机构合作,如 KANTORGG,ANP 等等。
Koma a building located in bandung, Indonesia is a visual studio, specializing in static image and static virtual reality projects all over the world. Since 2015, has more than 100 + customers, global and has completed the 5000 + complete image. As visual company specialized is engaged in architecture and interior visualization, ACTS as a designer of thought and expression results cohesion, first create a continuity in the project. Trying to explore the great creativity and imagination in every building project, realize the designer's main design core. They focus on a person of extraordinary powers curtilage area, with a number of outstanding design agencies, such as KANTORGG, ANP, and so on.