著名视觉表现机构Kern Studio来自巴西,他们同时也是一家室内设计工作室,与国际上许多大牌设计机构有着合作。在他们看来,视觉表现是设计的延续,而不是纯粹的美感表达,因此,他们总能做出让人叹服的建筑与空间。
Famous visual Studio Kern in Brazil, they are also a interior design Studio, has cooperation with many international big shop sign design agency. In their view, visual representation is a continuation of the design, rather than purely aesthetic expression, therefore, they always can let a person gasp in admiration of architecture and space..
EUR Apartment
Located in Rio DE janeiro, Brazil's Pacific Ocean floor and the large studio and an unbeatable location is congenital advantage of the case, the designer will introduces indoor light, as far as possible using the deep coffee color and gray cloth art furniture, create a acme enjoy the feeling of comfort and luxury private space.
Venti House
Venti House是位于里约郊区一处山间住宅,建筑作为自然的一部分,隐藏于此,开阔的视野,通透的空间,让人在工作之余寻找到一处净土,安放心灵。
Venti House is located in the Rio suburb of a mountain home, building as part of the natural, hidden in this, the open field of vision, appear a space, let a person in the work to find a pure land, put the mind.
L House
位于山顶的豪宅L House,有着最佳自然美景与一览众山小的心境,俯瞰整个城市。 高级的质感与触感,是设计师对奢华的定义。
Mansion House L is located in the top of the mountain, with the best natural beauty and see the mountains small mood, overlooking the whole city. Advanced texture and tactility is the designer of the definition of luxury.