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The project for renovation is situated adjacent to the People’s Art Theater Juyin Theater on Dongsi South Street, with Shijia Hutong merely separated by a wall. The vibrant street ambiance at the entrance caught our attention during the initial site survey. However, several challenges emerged, including the integration of the renovated space into the street and the exploration of additional possibilities and vitality for this “irregular space”. The primary objective of this renovation is to address the structural concerns of various load-bearing columns while creating a harmonious and cohesive overall space.

▼项目外观概览,Exterior Overview © 金伟琦


▼改造前状态,Before the renovation

The exterior and the adjacent wall are maintained in the same color to enable the space to seamlessly blend in with the street or even “disappear,” thereby drawing attention solely to the contents displayed within the windows. Along the storefront facing the street, the materials employed in the space are thoughtfully curated. The original concrete load-bearing columns serve as a backdrop, complemented by coffee-colored paint to be applied within the space. The remaining metal from the demolition process is artistically reshaped into horseshoe forms and suspended on birch ocean boards that will be incorporated into the interior. The yellow soil below is intentionally directed through the columns, extending throughout the entire space. In addition, a bamboo plant gracefully grows towards the east, nourished by the yellow soil, symbolizing an “editor’s note” for the entirety of the space.

▼尽量融入街景,并成为街景的一部分,Blend into the street scene and become an integral part of it © 金伟琦


▼分析图,diagram © 马志成

This narrow space is characterized by a lack of natural light in the afternoon due to its orientation. To address this, the space has been divided into four sections, each designed to offer guests the best possible view of the street outside. The seating area is strategically positioned at the entrance to maximize exposure to natural light. Through this renovation, the boundaries between indoors and outdoors have been deliberately blurred, allowing the interior to seamlessly incorporate the changing seasons and vibrant street scenes. The middle section serves as a dedicated area for coffee ordering and preparation, facilitating an open workflow that enables baristas to conveniently serve guests in all three sections. Finally, the end of the space, where natural light is scarce, has been allocated for restroom facilities.

▼室内空间概览,Indoor Space Overview © 金伟琦


In terms of material selection, the concept of “rebirth from old” is emphasized, highlighting the restoration of the original building structure, columns, red bricks, and concrete walls. Through the integration of new materials, these elements are revitalized. To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, wood panels are predominantly chosen in areas where people can interact with them. Furthermore, all newly constructed ceilings, walls, and floors are blended with coffee powder, without the addition of pigments, and directly tinted and scraped. This deliberate approach aims to provide space users with an authentic and unadulterated sensory experience, emphasizing the use of raw materials throughout.

▼入口的座椅区,The seating area © 金伟琦


To maximize the influx of natural light, foldable windows that can be fully opened have been chosen. Through this renovation, the intention is to blur the boundaries between the interior and exterior, seamlessly integrating the changing seasons and street scenes into the indoor space.

▼从室内看座椅区,From the interior perspective, the seating area showcases preserved dark vertical metal load-bearing columns in their entirety © 金伟琦


Starting from the display window, the green plants that permeate the space serve as a “link” connecting the two concrete columns. In the morning, sunlight filters through the gaps between the columns and the walls, creating a unique interplay of shadows in the greenery area, adding a touch of enchanting beauty.

▼绿植及等餐座椅区,Green and other dining seating area © 金伟琦

▼绿植区域细部,Details of the green plant area © 金伟琦


The ordering and coffee preparation counter in the middle section differentiates itself from traditional counters by featuring openings on both sides of the space. This design allows for more efficient and convenient service workflow.

▼吧台区概览,Bar area overview © 金伟琦

▼从室内看向入口处,View from inside to the entrance © 金伟琦

▼咖啡操作吧台,Coffee preparation bar © 金伟琦


Opposite the coffee ordering area, above the greenery section, a freshly poured concrete structure has been incorporated to serve as a seating area for waiting and relaxation.

View from the hallway towards the rear seating area © 金伟琦


Across from the seating area, the space serves as a storage area for daily items and also showcases beverages and books. The yellow soil, originating from the starting point of the display window, extends beneath this area as well.

▼后段座椅区,Back-end seating area © 金伟琦

▼座椅及收纳区关系,Relations of seating area and reception area © 金伟琦


In order to achieve harmony and unity with the other materials and forms within the space, a deliberate effort was made to create a relatively pure and integrated environment. As a result, the dining tables and chairs were handcrafted using the same wooden panels, ensuring a cohesive aesthetic throughout.

▼座椅区细部,Seating Area Detail © 金伟琦


In the final section, the sanitary facilities have been thoughtfully designed to separate the handwashing area from the toilet area, maximizing the efficiency of space utilization.

▼洗手池及清洁区,Sinks and sanitary areas © 金伟琦


Due to its orientation, the deepest section of the space lacks natural light in the afternoon. To address this, two sets of ambient lights, combined with spotlights, have been installed to traverse the entire space, creating a more comfortable dining experience.

▼下午时分的后端座椅区,Back-end seating area in the afternoon © 金伟琦

▼空间细部,Details of the space © 金伟琦

▼夜间灯光概览,Night lighting overview © 金伟琦

▼空间细部,Details of the space © 金伟琦

▼深夜后点亮街景,Light up the street after night © 金伟琦

▼平面布置图,Floor Plan © 马志成


Project Name: UMA Coffee
Project Type: Interior Renovation
Completion Time: January 2023
Interior Area: 48㎡
Interior Designer: Ma Zhicheng
Lighting Designer: Zhang Fan
Project Photographer: Jin Weiqi






旭友 2023-6-21 09:32 来自: 中国
子峻设计 2023-8-31 11:00 来自: 湖南
晚华 2024-7-1 16:39 来自: 江苏无锡
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