Studio Metanoia是一家位于新加坡的室内设计工作室,专注于构建个性化、情感深刻和以美学为驱动的物质空间或生活场景,以增进人与空间、人与环境以及人与人之间的互动和联系。
Studio Metanoia is an interior design studio based in Singapore that focuses on building personal, deeply emotional and aesthetically driven physical Spaces or living scenes to enhance interaction and connection between people and space, people and environment, and between people.
As more and more people spend most of their time in the pursuit of fast-paced urban life, they will gradually overlook or miss the scenery, pleasant sounds, sweet smells, close connection with nature and those things that can bring people happiness.
Studio Metanoia构建的空间则为使用者屏蔽了一切嘈杂的噪音,以塑造沉浸式的场所或环境为目标,重新建立事物之间的内在联系,让人们能够真切地欣赏并感受到细微的生活之美。
The Spaces created by Studio Metanoia block out all noise for the users, aiming to create an immersive place or environment, re-establishing the internal connection between things, so that people can truly appreciate and feel the subtle beauty of life.
In the eyes of designers, getting inspiration from daily practice is a crucial way, they use the "intuition first" design strategy, to establish a conscious code of conduct, explore the mind or spirit of people in the space to fit, and ultimately can make people feel real happiness.
Studio Metanoia希望自己的设计实践,可以改变一个人的思想、抚慰心灵,发现不一样的自我和生活方式。同时借助情感的表达,让时间慢下来,思考创造性、启发性的设计方法,唤起最深刻的万物联系,并在日常生活中培养正念。
Studio Metanoia hopes that its design practice can change a person's mind, soothe the soul, and discover a different self and lifestyle. At the same time, with the expression of emotions, slow down time, think about creative and inspiring design methods, evoke the most profound connection to all things, and cultivate mindfulness in daily life.