在建筑的一角,有棵幼苗意外地闯入我的规划里。甲方说,这是风水大师的“杰作”。于是,在被城市遗忘的这里,和这里被遗忘的一角,它聆听着风声,我聆听着心声,共同见证作品的盛放。我逐渐接纳了倔强且忠诚的它,即使依然渺小,但没有谁定义只有庞大才能伟大。When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet,在NUAGE RANCH,这是我和它遇见的故事。
Established in 2021, C-ERBIUM Construction is located in Hangzhou, China. With originality and forward thinking, we strive to provide all clients with satisfying ideas and designs for architecture/interior spaces/products, attempting to present a comfortable and superior space experience with highly empowering space shaping, while pursuing the ultimate connotation of Logo to become the conceptual ceiling in this field.