All the keyboard shortcuts, see you not regret 100
Each key on the keyboard !!!( the most complete history ) ­ ;relationresultHelp for F1­ ;relationresultRename F2­ ;relationresultF3­ ;relationresultThe F4address ­ ;relationresultF5refresh ­ ;relationresultF6switch ­ ;relationresultThe F10 menu­ ;relationresultSelect­ CTRL+A ;relationresultThe replication of CTRL+C­ ;relationresultCTRL+Xshear ­ ;relationresultCTRL+V­ paste ;relationresultUndothe ­ CTRL+Z ;relationresultCTRL+Oopen ­ ;relationresultSHIFT+DELETE permanently delete­ ;relationresultDeletion of DELETE­ ;relationresultThe ALT+ENTER property­ ;relationresultALT+F4closed ­ ;relationresultCTRL+F4closed ­ ;relationresultALT+TABswitch ­ ;relationresultALT+ESCswitch ­ ;relationresultALT+ spacebarwindow menu ­ ;relationresultThe ­CTRL+ESC start menu ;relationresultDraga CTRL copies the selected item ­ ;relationresultDraga press CTRL+SHIFT to create a shortcut to ­ ;relationresultThedisc is inserted into the CD-ROM drive press the SHIFT button to stop automatic disc playback ­ ;relationresultCtrl+1 Mens Burberry Shirts,2 Paul Smith Wallets,3.
..To switch from left several labels from ­ 1,2,3.. ;relationresultSelect allthe current page content ­ Ctrl+A ;relationresultCtrl+Ccopy currently selected content ­ ;relationresultCtrl+D open the add version ( put the current page to add to favorites ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Eto open or close the search sidebar ( a variety of search engine ­ optional ) ;relationresultOpen Ctrl+F search version of ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Gto open or close the simple collection panel ­ ;relationresultCtrl+H opened the historical sidebar ­ ;relationresultCtrl+I opened the Favorites sidebar / other :all tile vertical or horizontal tile or a laminated window restoration ­ ;relationresultIn addition to the currentCtrl+K closing and locking tabs of all ­ tags ;relationresultCtrl+Lturned version (available in the current page to open the Iternet address or other files.
.. ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Ncreate a new blank window (which can be changed ,the Maxthon option to tag new) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Oturned version (available in the current page to open the Iternet address or other files.
.. ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+P opened the print panel ( can print webpage ,picture of what ... ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Q open is added to the filtered list panel ( current page address is sent to the ­ filter list ) ;relationresultCtrl+Rrefresh current page ­ ;relationresultCtrl+S opened the save webpage panel ( current page content can be preserved ) ­ ;relationresultTile verticallywindows all ­ Ctrl+T ;relationresultCtrl+V pastethe contents of the clipboard in ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Wclose current tab ( window ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Xshear the currently selected content ( generally used only for text manipulation ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Yredo just action ( generally used only for text manipulation ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Zundo just action ( generally used only for text manipulation ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+F4close current tab ( window ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+F5refresh current page ­ ;relationresultCtrl+F6page open has chronologically forward switching labels ( window ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+F11hide or display the menu bar ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Tab tosmall menu way down switch label ( window ) ­ ;relationresultThe Ctrl+Enter domain name ­ ;relationresultTowed Ctrl+save the link address or selected text or the specified image to a folder ( directory to save changes ,Maxthon options → ­preservation ) ;relationresultCtrl+ small keyboard current page zoom 20% ­ ;relationresultCtrl+ small keyboard the current page reduces 20% ­ ;relationresultCtrl+ small keyboard to restore the current page zoom to the original size ­ ;relationresultThe Ctrl+Alt+S automatically savesthe current page all the contents to a specified folder ( the preservation of the path can be changed juicy couture tracksuits,the Maxthon option to save) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+ small keyboard all page zoom 20% ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+ small keyboard all page reduces 20% ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+F inputfocus to the search bar ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+G to close the simple collection panel ­ ;relationresultOpen Ctrl+Shift+Hand activated to you to set the home page ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+Nopen in a new window to the clipboard in the address Ralph Lauren Outlet,if the clipboard text ,then call the text search engine search ( search engine can choose options ,Maxthon →­search ) ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+S opened the save webpage panel ( current page content can be preserved ,equivalent to the Ctrl+S ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+Wclose except the locking tab and all labels ( window ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+F6page open has time sequence backward switch labels ( window ) ­ ;relationresultCtrl+Shift+Tab tosmall menu to switch the labels ( window ) ­ ;relationresultThe Ctrl+Shift+Enterdomain to automatically finish ­ ;relationresultAlt+1 save the currentform ­ ;relationresultSave Alt+2 asthe general form of ­ ;relationresultAlt+Astart favorites list ­ ;relationresultResource management for­ ;relationresultENDdisplays the current window of the bottom ­ ;relationresultHOMEdisplays the current window .
­ ;relationresultNUMLOCK+keypad the minus sign ( - ) folding the selected folder ­ ;relationresultNUMLOCK+digital keyboard plus ( + ) to display the selected folder content ­ ;relationresultNUMLOCK+digital keyboard asterisk ( * ) indicates the selected folders all of the folder ­ ;relationresultLeft keycurrent options in the unfolded state of folding the item ,or selecting the parent folder ­ ;relationresultRight arrow,the options are in the folded state launched the first man Hogan Mens Shoes,or the selected folder ­ ;relationresultNatural keyboard­ ;relationresult the window to show or hide start menu ­ ;relationresult +F1 ­ window help ;relationresult +D ­ desktop window display ;relationresult +R window open running ­ ;relationresult +E window open my computer ­ ;relationresult +F window search for a file or folder ­ ;relationresult +U window open Tool Manager ­ ;relationresult +BREAK window display attribute ­ ;relationresult +TAB window in the open item to switch between ­ ;relationresultAuxiliaryfunction ­ ;relationresultAccording tothe right SHIFT key for eight seconds to switch on and off of the ­ filter keys ;relationresultAccording to thefive SHIFT switch Sticky Keys to open and close a ­ ;relationresultAccording to NUMLOCKfive seconds to switch on and off of the ­ key ;relationresultTo the left of theALT+ left SHIFT+NUMLOCK switching button of the open and closed ­ ;relationresultTo the left of theALT+ left SHIFT+PRINTSCREEN switched high contrast on and off ­ ;relationresultRun ­relationresultClick and run ,or press the WIN key +R ,in operation window input :­ ;relationresult(according to theEnglish character sequence ) ­ ;relationresultOpen the%temp%---------temporary folder ­ ;relationresult.
--------------CocumentsandSettings user namein the folder ­ ;relationresult..-------------CocumentsandSettings­ ;relationresult...at my computer ­ ;relationresult--------------C ­ ;relationresultAppwize.
cpl----add ,delete program ­ ;relationresultAccess.cpl-----accessibility options ­ ;relationresultAccwiz---------the Accessibility Wizard ­ ;relationresultThe cmd------------CMD command prompt­ ;relationresultThe command--------CMD command prompt­ ;relationresultChkdsk.
exe-----Chkdsk­ disk check ;relationresultThe certmgr.msc---- certificatemanagement utility ­ ;relationresultCalc-----------­ calculator ;relationresultCharmap--------start character mapping table ­ ;relationresultCintsetp-------Cangjie Pinyin input method ­ ;relationresultThe cliconfg-------SQLSERVER client networkutility ­ ;relationresultThe clipbrd-------- clipboardviewer ­ ;relationresultControl--------open the control panel ­ ;relationresultConf-----------NetMeeting ­ ;relationresultCompmgmt.
msc--- computer management­ ;relationresult­cleanmgr------- garbage sorting ;relationresultThe ciadv.msc------ indexing serviceprogram ­ ;relationresultDcomcnfg------- opensystem component services ­ ;relationresultDdeshare-------DDE ­ open sharing settings ;relationresultDxdiag---------DirectX ­ ;relationresultDoctor­ drwtsn32------- system ;relationresultDevmgmt.
msc---- device manager­ ;relationresultDesk.cpl-------display properties ­ ;relationresultDfrg.msc-------disk defragmenter ­ ;relationresultDiskmgmt.msc---disk management utility ­ ;relationresultDvdplay--------DVD player­ ;relationresultEventvwr-------a thing viewer ­ ;relationresultEudcedit-------character-creation program ­ ;relationresultOpen explorer-------Explorer ­ ;relationresultShared folder manager­ fsmgmt.
msc----- ;relationresultFirewall.cpl---WINDOWS­ firewall ;relationresultThe gpedit.msc----- group policy­ ;relationresultHdwwiz.cpl-----add hardware ­ ;relationresultIexpress-------Trojans bundled tools Ed Hardy Sale,system with ­ ;relationresultThe inetcpl.
cpl----INTETNET option­ ;relationresultIntl.cpl-------regional and language options ( ­ input method option ) ;relationresultIrprops.cpl----­ wireless link ;relationresultJoy.cpl-------- gamecontroller ­ ;relationresultLusrmgr.
msc----this machine user and group ­ ;relationresultLogoff---------logout command ­ ;relationresultThe main.cpl------- mouse­ ;relationresultMem.exe--------display memory usage in ­ ;relationresultThe migwiz--------- filetransfer wizard ­ ;relationresultThe mlcfg32.
cpl---- mail­ ;relationresultA simple mplayer2-------widnowsmediaplayer ­ ;relationresultMspaint-------- drawingboard ­ ;relationresultSystem configuration utility­ msconfig.exe--- ;relationresultMstsc---------- remote desktopconnection ­ ;relationresultMagnify-------- magnifierutility ­ ;relationresultOpen the mmc------------console ­ ;relationresultSounds and audio devices­ mmsys.
cpl------ ;relationresultThe mobsync-------- synchronizationcommand ­ ;relationresultNcpa.cpl-------network connection ­ ;relationresultNslookup-------IP address.­ ;relationresultNetstartX----X service ­ ;relationresultNetstopX-----to stop the X service ­ ;relationresultThe netstat-an---- commandcheck interface ­ ;relationresultNetsetup.
cpl---wireless network setup wizard ­ ;relationresult­notepad-------- open notepad ;relationresultDetective­ nslookup-------IP address ;relationresultNarrator ­ narrator------- screen ;relationresultNtbackup-------system backup and restore ­ ;relationresultNtmsmgr.
msc---- removable storagemanager ­ ;relationresultNtmsoprq.msc--- removable storagemanager operation requesting ­ ;relationresultThe nusrmgr.cpl---- useraccount ­ ;relationresultClient service for nwc.
cpl--------NetWare­ ;relationresultOsk------------open the screen keyboard ­ ;relationresultThe odbcad32-------ODBC datasource manager ­ ;relationresultThe odbccp32.cpl---ODBC datasource manager ­ ;relationresultOobe/msoobe/a-XP whether activation of ­ ;relationresultThe packager------- objectpackage program ­ ;relationresultPerfmon.
msc----computer performance monitoring program ­ ;relationresultPowercfg.cpl---power options ­ ;relationresultThe progman-------- program manager­ ;relationresultThe regedit-------- registry­ ;relationresultRsop.
msc-------group policy results set ­ ;relationresultThe regedt32------- registry editor­ ;relationresultRegsvr32/?---- call ,uninstall the DLL file operation ( details please enter in CMD regsvr32/ ­ ?) ;relationresultSapi.
cpl-------voice ­ ;relationresultServices.msc---­ local service settings ;relationresultSyncapp--------­ create a briefcase ;relationresultSystem configuration editor­ sysedit-------- ;relationresultSigverif-------file signature verification procedures ­ ;relationresult­sndrec32------- recorder ;relationresultSndvol32------- volume controlprocedures ­ ;relationresultShrpubw--------­ shared folders setting tool ;relationresult­secpol.
msc----- local security policy ;relationresultSysdm.cpl------­ ;relationresultSyskey---------encryption system ( once the encryption cannot be undone, protect WindowsXP system double password ) ­ ;relationresultServices.
msc---­ local service settings ;relationresultA sfc.exe-------- system filechecker ­ ;relationresultSfc/scannow---windows file protection­ ;relationresultShutdown-------shutdown command ( details please enter in CMD shutdown/ ­ ?) ;relationresultThe taskmgr-------- task manager­ ;relationresultPhone and modem options­ telephon.
cpl--- ;relationresultTelnet--------- remoteconnection program ­ ;relationresultTimedate.cpl---­ date and time ;relationresultA brief introduction of tourstart------xp( after the completion of the installation appear in XP ­ program ) ;relationresultTsshutdn-------60seconds countdown shutdown command ­ ;relationresultToolManager ­ utilman-------- ;relationresultWinver---------Windows version ­ ;relationresultSystem information for winmsd---------­ ;relationresultWiaacmgr------- scanner andCamera Wizard ­ ;relationresultWith the winchat--------XPLAN chat ­ ;relationresultWmimgmt.
msc----open windows management architecture ( WMI ) ­ ;relationresultWordpad--------board ­ ;relationresultWuaucpl.cpl---- update­ ;relationresultWupdmgr--------windows update­ ;relationresultWrite----------board ­ ;relationresultWscript--------windows scripting hostset ­ ;relationresult­wscui. |