位置:中国 四川 成都
分类:建筑设计方案 -> 城市规划
原 名 称:Chengdu West Automotive City Zhuangshi International Plaza Architectural Planning Scheme Design
The total land area is 34,479㎡. The area on the ground is 200,000㎡. The area under the ground is 98,000㎡. The aim is to create international large vehicle sales MALL with over 100 brands. The new building is built around the original building retained. Because one the one hand, it is easy to maximize the scale of commercial streets. On the other hand, it is profitable to create one new commercial image. The new building is linked together with the old one by the different kind of corridors and courtyards, which forms the communication between the new building and the old one. Integrate vehicle design language in the design of the building's facade to show the spirit of automotive technology, art, and culture.