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sgpxfjwz 2013-4-25 22:55 来自: 上海



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普宁奋1 2013-4-25 22:55 来自: 福建莆田
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hffhs128m 2013-4-26 00:40 来自: 福建
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bhgfdja9e 2013-4-26 00:51 来自: 福建

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kyurksynby 2013-4-26 07:21 来自: 福建莆田
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wewenbkse 2013-4-26 19:19 来自: 福建莆田


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2012 August, the national development and Reform Commission approved the Chongqing iron and steel energy-saving emission reduction and environmental protection relocation project, large shareholders in Chongqing Iron & Steel Group is committed to the approved the temporary general meeting of shareholders in the listing Corporation, a major reorganization of assets within three months, Chongqing iron and steel produced in the process of environmental protection in the relocation of operating losses to help listing Corporation to the Chongqing government for not less than 1500000000 yuan in cash subsidies.
普宁奋1 2013-4-26 22:45 来自: 福建莆田
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kyurksynby 2013-4-27 01:13 来自: 福建莆田
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tq97y5qi 2013-4-27 06:42 来自: 福建莆田
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tgfyufgbd 2013-4-27 19:49 来自: 福建莆田

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Rodriguez said Hallet received economic resources from some foreign non-governmental organizations, which he transferred to the students and young members of right-wing parties to perform violent actions.
Rodriguez said 500 videos were seized from Hallet, as a proof of his engagement with destabilization plans against Maduro's government.
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