The Qian'an Sanlihe Greenway is transformed from the former garbage dump and sewage drainage. It exemplifies how a neglected landscape can be recovered as an green infrastructure and everyday landscape with restored ecosystem providing multiple services. The combined pedestrian and cycle paths for both commuting and recreational use are integrated with art, revitalizing social identity by reflecting local traditions. Through the generation of ecological and aesthetic benefits, the project catalyzes sustainable urban development in the region.
↑ 生态走廊的3D模型及其改造过程:此工程利用滦河与城市之间的不同高度,创建了一个以水为中心的公共空间,整合了下暴雨时的雨水管理、植被恢复、再创造与艺术,刺激了城市发展。 A 滦河 B 水源 C 沿途的城市发展 D 三里河生态走廊 E 出口3D model of the Greenway and its transforming process: making use of different altitudes between the Luan River bed and the city, the project creates a water-centered public space integrating stormwater management, habitat restoration, recreation and art, and catalysts urban development.
↑ 这个索引图显示了本次介绍中选择的图像的位置。艺术被融进了这个生态复原景观:受当地著名的剪纸艺术的启发,一段800米长的折纸走廊贯穿于本工程的中心地带。
Key map shows locations of selected images in this presentation. Art is integrated into this ecologically recovered landscape: an 800-meter long Folding Paper corridor inspired by the well-known paper cutting folk art in the region, running through the middle section of the project.
↑ 图中展现的是2006年时现场的情况。本工程把以前的垃圾场和污水排放处改造成了一处生态基础设施和日常景观。
Image shows site condition in 2006. This project transformed the former garbage dump and sewage drainage into an ecological infrastructure and everyday landscape.
↑ 这是生态走廊上游地区的一幅典型的图片,主要特色是一条新建的、绿色植被茂密的小溪,它从滦河里引水,两边是人行道和自行车道。
A typical image of the upper section of the Greenway, featuring a newly created and lushly vegetated stream that diverts water from the Luan River, with pedestrian and cycling paths on both sides.
生态廊道的设计充分利用自然高差,将被防洪堤隔离在外的滦河水从上游引入城市,源头处形成地下涌泉,进入城市并改善其生态条件后,又在下游归流入滦河;考虑到滦河水量的不确定性,三里河设计为串珠式的下洼式“绿河”,即使在没水的时候,也能保持串珠状的湿地,同时结合城市雨水收集和中水的生态净化和回用,使绿带具有雨洪调节功能,深浅不一、蜿蜒多变的拟自然河道设计,营造一个多样化的生物栖息地;场地中原有树木都保留, 从而形成众多树岛,令栈道穿越其间;整个工程倡导野草之美和低碳景观理念,大量应用低维护的乡土植被,水草繁茂,野花烂漫。沿绿带建立了一个步行和自行车系统,与城市慢行交通网络有机结合,向沿途社区完全开放,营造出一派人与自然和谐相处的新时代城市景象。
↑ 有弹性的绿色河流策略:河流现存的水泥水渠被取消了,在主水道的岸边建造了生态湿地,以便控制洪水、治理城市里的雨水径流,起到了“绿色海绵”的作用,创造了多样的野生生物栖息地。
Resilient green river strategy: the existing concrete channel of the river was removed, and bio-swales at the edge of the main water course are constructed to regulate floods and remediate urban stormwater runoff, acting as “green sponge” and creating diverse wildlife habitats.
↑ 生态走廊的中段穿越了人口密集的社区,主要特色是那段800米长的折纸。这些中国红艺术品是由玻璃纤维制成的,曲曲折折地摆放于以前的河道边上早就存在的柳树下。
The middle section of the Greenway runs through the densely populated communities, featuring the 800-meters long Folding Paper. The Chinese-red art piece is made of fiberglass that zigzagging through the green canopy of the pre-existing willows along the former river channel.
↑ 折纸使得遮盖物、座椅、木板路和照明成为一个整体,蜿蜒在现场已有的树木周围。
The Folding Paper integrates shelters, seats, boardwalk and lighting, winding around the existing trees on site.
↑ 晨练:图中的两个男子正在吹唢呐,这是当地的一种木管乐器,背景就是折纸艺术品。周边是“杂乱”的当地植被,这只是你在生态走廊边看到的很多日常场景中的一幕。
Morning exercises: two men are playing the Suona Horn, a local woodwind instrument, with the Folding Paper as the backdrop. Surrounded bythe “messy” native vegetation, this is just one of many everyday scenes one can see along the Greenway.
↑ 作为北边人口稠密的社区和南边的一所小学与幼儿园的连接,折纸为青少年和他们的父母们创造了一种欢乐的体验:图中一位幼儿园老师和孩子们正漫步在与折纸交错重叠的木板路上。
As a linkage between the densely populated communities on north, and an elementary school and a kindergarten on south, the Folding Paper creates playful experience for youths and their parents: a kindergarten teacher and kids are wandering on the boardwalk intertwined with the Folding Paper.
↑ 折纸沿着生态走廊“展开”,与黄色的野菊花形成鲜明的对比。野菊花是当地的一种多年生植物,它们不怎么需要维护,可以用来做中药。
The Folding Paper “unfolding” along the Greenway in contrast with the yellow blossoms of wild chrysanthemum, a native perennial that needs very little maintenance and can be harvested as Chinese medicine.
↑ 折纸被放学后的孩子们所利用。这是受当地著名的剪纸这一民间艺术的启发而建造的。
The Folding Paper used by kids after school. It is inspired by the well-known local folk art of paper cutting of this region.
↑ 折纸被学龄儿童用来当作做作业的椅子和桌子,成了孩子们放学后聚集的场所。
The Folding Paper is used by school kids as seats and tables to do homework, acting as a gathering place for kids during the after-school hours.
↑ 人们很享受水中之路,把它当作日常体验的一部分。桥和木板路被设计进了河中,创造了通往“树岛”的通道。“树岛”是用来保护现场现存的树木的。
People enjoy the path-in-the-water as part of their day-to-day experience. Bridges and boardwalks are designed into the river creating access to “tree islands”, which are formed to preserve existing trees on the site.
↑ 两个年轻女孩正淌水过河,复原的母亲河与她们的祖母们讲述的传奇故事现在听起来成了真的:这里是“芦苇和荷花茂盛、水里面满是鱼和甲鱼”的一个所在。
Two young girls wading across the stream, the mother river recovered and the legendary tale narrated by their grandmother now rings true: as a place “where reeds and lotuses flourish and water abundant with fish and soft-shelled turtles”.
↑ 通过建造“树岛”,现场现存的树木被保留了下来,周围是流淌的溪水。在水边建造了平台,使得当地的社区能与大自然近距离接触。自从这个生态走廊建成以后,它立刻成了新发展的催化剂。
Existing trees are kept on site through the creation of “tree islands” with stream courses flowing around. Water platform are built, which enables close contact with nature for local communities. Since its completion, the Greenway immediately became a catalyst for new development. |