设计公司:一班设计机构(classone) 方案名称:耀世星空
项目性质:汽车4S展厅 设计时间:2014年3月
耀世星空——劳伦士中国4S展厅 本案欲打造一个具有现代气息的璀璨星空环境氛围。 从设计手法上打破固有的展示空间概念,将星空梦幻般的视觉感受贯穿整个空间。虚拟的环境,创造性新思维的抽象方式,感觉到了一个只有梦境才能实现的地方,这就是星空最终所要达到的艺术诠释。 同时,在造型上也别具特色的考究了一番,采用几何形体的多面组合,将线性空间、面性空间、体型空间的完美结合,无论在任何角度都能感受视觉、光影与空间的灵动对话。 设计既保留了劳伦士品牌国际化的气质,又摒弃了传统展示空间过分繁杂的表现。用严谨雕琢细节,用美学演绎梦幻,低调却又不失炫丽,理性又不失大气,在梦幻与现代中寻找最美平衡点。 动若风云,美若天成。
The twinkling of a starry sky To build a case ambience of a bright sky with a modernflavor. Break from the concept inherent in the exhibition spacedesign methods, the Star fantastic visual experience throughout the entirespace. Virtual environment, creative new way of thinking in the abstract, andfeel a place where only dreams can be achieved, which is ultimately to beachieved Star artistic interpretation. Meanwhile, in the elegant distinctive styling is also alot, using a combination of multi-faceted geometry of the perfect linear space,the surface of the space, the combination of body space, can feel at any anglevision, clever lighting and space dialogue. Lorinser design not only retains the international brandtemperament, and abandon the traditional exhibition space too complicatedperformance. Carved with rigorous detail, with aesthetic interpretation of thedream, low-key but without losing the dazzling, yet rational atmosphere,looking for the most beautiful and modern balance point in the dream. If moving situation, the United States if heaven. —————————————————————————————————————