
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 ゛伊筱沫丶 于 2015-8-25 13:23 编辑

以下文字来自建筑师事务所陈述。艾哈迈达巴德大约拥有700万居民,是印度最大的城市同时也是世界上发展最快的大都市之一。Mondeal广场是Blocher Blocher India Pvt. Ltd建筑公司规划并实施的的多功能建筑群体。其中是一大亮点是其全国最大的LED立面外观。

From the architect. With its approximately seven million inhabitants, Ahmedabad is one of the largest cities of India and one of the world’s fastest growing metropolis. This is where the architectural and design office Blocher Blocher India Pvt. Ltd. has planned and implemented the multi-functional building complex, Mondeal Square. A highlight: the largest LED media façade of the country.

艾哈迈达巴德,什么造就了其里程碑意义的地标?一是塑造一个城市的面貌,二是向居民和游客呈现出其发展方向。Mondeal广场开放不久后就满足了这两个要素。位于艾哈迈达巴德的新兴郊区Prahladnagar的SG高速公路,该广场提供17000平方米,包括 3600㎡的商业空间,以及作为办公用途10层楼。白天,幕墙立面的醒目结构突显出了这两栋楼。垂直支柱和由白色铝合金的水平条板服务不仅提供了远观的效果同时还可以作为遮阳构件。

Ahmedabad. What constitutes a landmark? To shape the face of a city and present a point of orientation for resident and visitor. Two characteristics, which Mondeal Square satisfied already soon after its opening. Located in Ahmedabad’s burgeoning suburb Prahladnagar on the S.G. Highway, the ensemble offers a total floor space of 17,000 square metres, of which 3,600 comprise commercial space, as well as ten storeys for office usage. During the day, the striking structure of the curtain façade defines the two buildings. The vertical struts and horizontal panes made of white aluminium profiles serve not only for a long-range effect but also for shade.

在印度阳光明媚的西方具有显著区位优势 ——可持续建筑的声明,因为这毕竟减少了空调的使用。作为与主立面的对比,建筑物的后侧是更加时尚的水平薄片外立面。这也是在楼梯间所在的位置,还提供了除了电梯外的通道,到达第三至第十层的办公楼层。

A significant locational advantage in India’s sunny west – and a statement for sustainable construction, as this, after all, reduces the use of air conditioners. As a contrast to the main façade, the rear side of the building is stylishly more restrained with a horizontal lamella façade. This is where the stairwells are located, also providing access – besides the elevators – to the office floors from the third to the tenth floor.

Blocher Blocher公司在大楼顶层使用了这些设计手法。开放的混凝土天花板及浅灰色瓷砖与玻璃分隔墙相互搭配,表现出一种简约优雅和透明感。木墙元素和室内光提供了温暖并增加了员工在其间工作对空间的感受。

The way these can be designed is exemplified by Blocher Blocher India on the top floor. Open exposed concrete ceilings and light grey tiles interplay with glass dividing walls, conveying a sense of minimalistic elegance and transparency. Wooden wall elements and the light interior provide the premises with warmth and increased quality-of-stay for the employees.



Light as an architectural element
At night, the ensemble unfolds a very special charm. The buildings have the largest media facade in India, consisting of LED bands with a total length of approximately five kilometres, covering the 5,300 square metre glazed façade. They can be lit completely individually to display movement, colour sequences or even silhouettes of moving figures. The differently sized, large square openings of the rear façade also light up then, and together with the illuminated plaza with furniture, staircases and vegetation culminate in an illuminated crescen do. A touch of gaily colourful art in the urban space.


And this in a deeply symbolic location. Situated on a striking corner plot, by virtue of the elliptical shape of the buildings, two lifelines of the city are brought together, namely S.G. Highway and Prahladnagar Road. The buildings meet the passer-by with an inviting gesture – also because of the fusion of architecture and public space.


The outdoor areas and staircases pick up on the height differences of the surroundings, and form an organic unit of plateaus and stepped landscapes. The Planners, moreover, renounced an obvious, structural boundary and relied on palms as a natural green marker. They are at the same time a symbol for the aspiring Ahmedabad and the rich history of the city.

建筑师:Blocher Blocher Partners
摄影:照片来自于Blocher Blocher Partners

Architects: Blocher Blocher Partners
Location: Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Area: 3600.0 sqm
Photographs: Courtesy of Blocher Blocher Partners






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