保利WeDo是保利文化集团旗下的新型儿童教育品牌,旨在挖掘和培养孩子在音乐方面的天赋和潜能,提高综合艺术修养。建筑营应邀设计其位于北京工体北路永利国际商场内的教学空间。如何通过空间设计突破固化的结构限制,实现开放、自由、灵活的现代教学环境,并让孩子与空间产生亲密感,是设计所思考的首要问题。 Poly WeDo is anew children’s education brand of Poly Culture Group, which aims at exploringand developing kids' gift and potentiality in music, and improving theircomprehensive art accomplishment. ARCH STUDIO is invited to do the design fortheir teaching space within Yongli International Shopping Centre in Workers’Stadium North Road, Beijing. The top issue to be solved while doing the designthinking is how to create an open, free and flexible modern teachingenvironment which breaks the limits of rigid structure and creates a feeling ofcloseness between children and the space. 项目分布于商场一层七个柱跨之间,空间基本结构是框架+剪力墙,总面积约1000平米,并附带约300平米的地下室。建筑营尽量拆除了所有砌块墙体,打通原本封闭的房间,用一条走廊将教室及公共空间进行连接,所有教学空间向商场中庭水平展开,包括音乐教室、私教室、接待厅、剧场和排练厅等。坡折的屋顶延伸至墙面和地面,构成了连续延伸的教室和公共区域。整个教学空间好似一座半透明的“室内村落”,根据使用需求呈现出多样的尺度与质感空间,让孩子在亲切、自然、舒适的环境中演奏和学习。 The projectcovers the area cross 7 pillars of the shopping center on the first floor. Thebasic structure of the space is framework + shear wall, it enjoys an area ofabout 1000㎡and has abasement with an area of 300㎡. ARCH STUDIO removes the concrete block wall as much as possible to openup the closed space; a corridor is used to connect the classrooms to the publicspace. All the teaching spaces including music classroom, private classroom,reception hall, theatre and rehearsal room, etc. stretch out horizontally tothe atrium of the shopping Centre. The slope shape roof extends to the wall andthen the floor, which becomes the extension of classrooms and public space. Theentire teaching space is like a translucent “indoor village”, which presentsspaces of variety of scales and texture according to different needs. Itpresents the kids an intimate, natural and cozy music playing and learningenvironment. 建筑营引入绿色景观来柔化结构墙体的限制,让教学与自然时刻保持接触。中庭局部拆除了楼板,竹庭院延伸至地下的舞蹈教室、瑜伽教室和办公空间。竹庭院构成入口大厅的景观焦点,同时是上下层交通转换的节点。在教室之间利用墙体的空隙产生景观区,形成室内的“室外”空间。而植物与书架的结合让孩子的阅读与休息轻松、自然的发生。 ARCH STUDIOintroduces green landscape to soften the restriction of structural walls and tokeep teaching get in touch with nature all the time. Part of the floor slab ofthe atrium is removed; the bamboo courtyard extends to the dancing classroom,Yoga classroom and office in the basement. The bamboo courtyard is thehighlight of landscape of the entrance hall, and the shift point of traffic ofthe two floors. Gaps between walls of classrooms are used to create landscapearea, thus “outdoor” space are formed in the indoor space. And the combinationof plants and book shelves make kids’ reading coexist easily and naturally withrest. 音乐教室要同时满足隔音和吸音的声学要求。音乐教室墙面均采用了三层中空玻璃进行隔音,吊顶采用木纹转印铝制格栅和铝板,除了隔音处理之外,坡屋顶的形态和格栅的起伏表面也起到混音作用。小剧场由于空间高度有限,因此不设吊顶,仅在人的尺度范围内采用了木质吸音板,在视觉上让空间变高,同时取得良好的声学效果。 Music classrooms need to satisfy acousticalrequirements of sound insulation and sound absorption. For the purpose ofsoundproof, three layers hollow glasses are used for the walls of musicclassrooms, wood grain aluminum grille and aluminum plate are used for theceiling. In additional to soundproof treatment, the shape of the slope roof andthe wavy surface of grille have the effect of audio mixing. Because of thelimitation of height of the small theatre, we keep the original ceiling, onlyuse some sound-absorbing wood panels on part of the wall, which heightens the space visually andachieves excellent acoustic effect as well. 韩文强,出生于辽宁大连,中央美院建筑学院硕士毕业后留校任教。于2010年创立建筑营设计工作室(ARCH STUDIO),结合教学研究展开多样的创作和实践。主要作品包括北京胡同茶舍、荣宝斋商店及文化艺术空间等。 建筑营的工作目标是以多元视角与理性手段积极介入当代城市人居环境发展进程,在现实与自然、历史与文化的关联中寻找恰当的平衡点,创造富于时代精神和人文品质的空间环境。在这个复杂多元的时代,新的创意不是一时的灵感迸发,而是来自于细心的阅读每一个具体项目特殊的需求和限制,来自于不断突破和挑战限制的边界,来自于持续的深化从概念到建造细节的全过程,来自于内与外、新与旧、人工与自然之间巧妙的转化,让空间成为人与人、人与环境交流的媒介,创造新的宜居生活。 建筑营工作室入选美国权威媒体《建筑实录》评选的2015全球十佳“设计先锋(Design Vanguard)”,2015AD100“中国最具影响力建筑、设计精英”以及2015年谷德网(gooood)10位年轻代表之一。作品曾获Architizer “A+ Awards的Architecture+ Renovation类别评委奖”,美国《Contract》“第37届年度室内设计大奖展览类别及餐厅类别双项大奖”,美国《Interior Design》“2015年度最佳设计作品奖”,“2015亚太室内设计大奖(APIDA)” 休闲及娱乐空间金奖、用餐空间金奖、居住空间银奖,“2015CIDA中国室内设计大奖”居住空间奖,“2015金堂奖” 年度最佳休闲娱乐空间奖和年度最佳展示空间奖,“2015现代装饰国际传媒奖年度商业空间设计大奖”等多个国际国内奖项。作品曾参与2015韩国光州设计双年展,2015“10×100”UED十年百名建筑师展,第二届中国设计大展等。多个作品曾被国内外知名杂志和媒体广为报道,其中胡同茶舍—曲廊院获世界知名设计网站Archdaily 2015年最受欢迎的20个项目之一、2016年度建筑(Building of The Year)入围作品及gooood谷德网2015年第二季度最多评论文章 TOP 1。 项目名称 | 保利WeDo教育机构 设计团队 | 韩文强、王莹、李云涛 设计公司 | 建筑营设计工作室 项目地址 | 北京市,朝阳区 项目类型 | 教育空间 建筑面积 | 1300平米 设计时间 | 2015.10—2016.01 施工时间 | 2015.12—2016.03 摄 影 师 | 夏至 |