空間和商品是壹體的兩面。它們是相得益彰,有德系血統的唯格在建材品牌裏面壹慣的低調存在。是壹家專註而嚴謹的陶瓷品牌,壹直細耕於出口全球市場。 Space and goods are two sides of one body. They are complement each other, there are German lines of origin in the building materials brand unique inside a low-key existence. Is a focused and rigorous ceramic brand, has been fine farming in the export of the global market. 位於智慧新城的總部展廳總有二層,約1500平方。整體規劃將瓷磚與空間屬性(如客廳、衛浴、書房、咖啡廳、日式茶道或服裝店)的搭配。 Located in the headquarters of the wisdom of the new city hall has a total of two floors, about 1500 square. The overall planning of the ceramic tile and the spatial attributes (such as living room, bathroom, study, coffee shop, Japanese tea ceremony or clothing store) the match. 細觀產品特色,試圖擺脫傳統陶瓷展廳以華麗材料輝映品牌定位的作法,針對產品特點和經營理念,我們以情境化空間展示為主。 Microscopic characteristics of the products, trying to get rid of the traditional ceramic exhibition hall with gorgeous materials reflect the practice of brand positioning, according to the characteristics of the product and business philosophy, we in a context of exhibition space. 設計手法以相疊、交錯、塊面來制造藝術性量體。在基調上除了強調陶瓷的質感和秩序,更希望盡量用壹種現代的概念去呈現情境空間。讓空間體驗產品的自然美學。多種樸質材料的運用來表達時尚的德式風格,嚴謹幹凈。 Design techniques for the production of artistic volume by overlapping, interleaving and block. In addition to the emphasis on the tone of the ceramic texture and order, but also want to try to use a modern concept to present the situation of space. Let the space experience the natural aesthetics of the product. The use of a variety of natural materials to express fashion style style, rigorous and clean. |