本帖最后由 舒华 于 2020-11-19 16:32 编辑
· 化繁为简返璞归真 简约 | 舒适 | 自然 | 工业风
Turning complexity into simplicity and returning to nature Simple | comfortable | natural | Industrial style ·
效 果 图 呈 现
· 室内局部特写 Indoor close-up
设计语言以唐代建筑为引申,在规律中寻找美,于横平和竖直的木结构中表现出一种独特的东方韵味, 显现出一种求“真”的专一与执著,一种 坚持不懈而沉稳绵延的力量感,正如这座城市,散发浑厚的低语……
The design language takes the Tang Dynasty architecture as the extension, seeks the beauty in the law, displays a unique oriental charm in the horizontal and vertical wooden structure, and shows a kind of single-minded and persistent pursuit of "truth" The persistent and steady sense of strength is just like the city, which is full of whispers……
A just good home will give you a sense of belonging Once you get back home
Forget as much as you can
楼梯,是可以用灵动的线条活跃空间,是舒适之中不乏生活趣味的存在。 — 生活美学家
往往最高级的空间设计, 不是金银堆砌、不是富丽堂皇, 而是摒弃一切多余的修饰, 回归到其最简单纯粹的本质上来 Often the most advanced space design, It's not gold and silver, it's not magnificent,
It's about getting rid of all unnecessary embellishments,
Return to its simplest and purest essence