本帖最后由 ClareCousins 于 2023-3-14 11:43 编辑
Clare Cousins设计的所有项目无不以建造的本质为思考标准,尤其注重阳光、风和场地环境。对于材料的使用,除了考虑其稳定性、耐用性,更注重美观性。他希望建筑空间在未来很长一段时间内都能够满足居住者的生活需要,因此更着重考虑如何使其具有一定的灵活性来适应个性化的不同需求。
All of Clare Cousins's projects reflect on the nature of construction, with a special focus on the sun, wind and site environment. For the use of materials, in addition to considering its stability, durability, more attention to the aesthetic. He hoped that the building space would be able to meet the living needs of the residents for a long time in the future, so he paid more attention to how to make it have some flexibility to adapt to the different needs of individual.
Red Hill House
━这座建筑位于一棵高耸的红杉树下,可以一览周围的葡萄园。经过Clare Cousins的重新设计和改造,原来的三间小屋已经变成一个现代而又宁静的度假胜地。住宅将原始的风貌和精致的细节融合在一起,形成了具有温暖感的极简主义式空间,并与周围景观产生一定的关联,通过有机的材料反映出来。
The building sits under a towering redwood tree with sweeping views of the surrounding vineyards. Redesigned and transformed by Clare Cousins, the original three cottages have been transformed into a modern and peaceful resort. The house combines the original style with exquisite details to create a warm minimalist space and a connection to the surrounding landscape, which is reflected through organic materials.
Aesop Collins Street
━ Aesop最新的旗舰店靠近国家图书馆,位于历史悠久的乔治大楼内,品牌的精神与传统的工艺相结合,形成了这家有着明显现代性的商业空间。同时,Clare Cousins通过对参考文献的研究和新古典主义元素的借鉴,创造了一种坚固的、垂直的和庄严的永恒性,为顾客提供一处舒适的参访、购买和休憩的空间。
Aesop's latest flagship store, located close to the National Library in the historic George Building, combines the spirit of the brand with traditional craftsmanship to create a commercial space with a distinct modernity. At the same time, Clare Cousins creates a sturdy, vertical and solemn permanence through the study of reference literature and the reference of neoclassical elements, providing customers with a comfortable space to visit, buy and rest.
Stable & Cart House
The century-old building preserves and emphasizes the history of the original building, while the internal functions are properly updated and improved, and the former warehouse is transformed into a private residence. An intimate connection is established between the addition and the original, where the structural level of the space meets the modern material, and while the nature of the building remains consistent, the meaning of the space's existence is redefined.
Esplanade House
━ Esplanade是一座大体量的家庭住宅,其规划的布局可以根据实际需要来进行安排。在狭长的场地上,Clare Cousins的设计任务是使其能够更好地融入到Clifton山环境之中。因此,这是一个具有挑战性的项目,即需尊重街道遗产,又需将秩序感与家庭的亲密感相协调,而最终的呈现,对建筑师而言,似乎寻找到了一种微妙的平衡关系。
The Esplanade is a large volume family home with a planned layout that can be arranged according to practical needs. On a long, narrow site, Clare Cousins was tasked with making it fit into the Clifton Hill environment. As such, it was a challenging project to respect the heritage of the street while reconciling a sense of order with a sense of family intimacy, and the result, for the architects, seemed to strike a delicate balance.