现北京车展的拜腾概念车南京办公室谍照曝光 Sneak Peek at Byton, Beijing Auto Show Concept Car Presenters, New Nanjing Office 近日,由宝马i8之父毕福康亲自操刀的拜腾(BYTON)旗下第一款概念车登陆2018(第十五届)北京国际汽车展览会。这款真正的智能互联汽车平衡的动力系统,动力性与经济性兼具;语音和手势操控的1.25米的共享大屏,规避触控不方便的问题;国际一流的外观造型,外形内饰比肩BBA。 Recently, the first concept car of Byton, a startup car company co-founded by Dr. Carsten Breitfeld, the father of BMW’s i8, landed a spot at the 2018 Beijing International Automobile Exhibition. This truly intelligent interconnected vehicle has a balanced power system that combines both power and economy. This car boasts a 1.25-meter long screen with both voice and gesture controls, avoiding inconvenient touch issues, and a world-class appearance, with interior design elements as good as BBA (BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi). 这家将重新定义生活,迎接一个电动化、互联化、自动驾驶及共享出行的未来的汽车品牌,将智能制造基地落户于中国南京,并同时在北京、上海和香港分别设立办公室。很荣幸,inDeco艺格工装负责拜腾南京基地以及北京办事处办公空间的设计装修。This company will redefine life, welcome to a futuristic car brand that is electrified, interconnected, self-driving, and trip sharing. Byton will establish a smart manufacturing base in Nanjing, China, with additional offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. inDeco is honored to be responsible for the design and decoration of Byton’s Nanjing Base and Beijing Office. 拜腾携首款车型BYTON Concept亮相北京车展 Byton presents the first model of BYTON Concept at the Beijing Auto Show 然后,不知这家颠覆汽车行业的智能互联汽车厂商该配备怎样的办公空间呢?接下来,让inDeco艺格工装带领大家一探其南京基地办公室的究竟。 Now, what kind of office space does this intelligence focused, interconnected car manufacturer who’s revolutionizing the automobile industry deserve? Using inDeco’s design tools, let’s explore the Nanjing base office. 工业风凸显品牌新概念 Industrial Style highlights new brand concept 拜腾南京制造基地位于南京红枫科技园,办公区域总面积9890㎡为毛坯房。总共4层,一层为会客展示区、二-四层为办公休闲区。 Byton Nanjing Manufacturing base is located in Nanjing Hongfeng Science and Technology park, with a total area of 9,890 m2 of office space. A total of 4 floors, the first floor serves as a guest showroom with the second through fourth floor serving as the office leisure space. 黑白灰为主调的工业风 Back, White, and Grey color theme develops an Industrial office style. inDeco在其办公空间设计上,充分结合拜腾设计、科技、未来的核心概念,整体采用工业的设计风格,黑白灰的主体颜色,打造出集办公、休闲、会客及展示的办公综合体。 inDeco’s design fully integrates the core concepts of design, technology, and the future. It adopts an industrial design style and the main colors are back, white and gray to create an office complex that integrates office, leisure, guests and product display. 一、车的展示与整体空间完美融合 1. The Car’s Display and it’s Seamless Integration into the Space 车模型展示区域 Vehicle Showroom Area 众所周知,号称轮子上的智能手机的拜腾概念车,配备50寸超大共享面屏、人车交互模式、众多炫酷体验,位于制造基地的办公空间,自然需要第一时间展示。 As we all know, the concept car, referred to as a smartphone on wheels, is equip with a 50-inch large scale shared screen, human-car interactive mode, and many cool experiences. The office at the manufacturing base naturally needs to first display these features. 展示与休闲区域 Display and Leisure Area inDeco巧妙利用空间,将展示区域与会客社交区域相结合,并顶部专设打光灯饰,提升展示效果。 inDeco optimizes the space skillfully by combining the car display area with the guest social area. This space is equipped with a special lighting design to enhance the display effect. 二、品牌元素整个空间的巧妙贯穿 2. The branding elements clearly run through the entire space 拜腾品牌名为BYTON,本意即为Bytes on Wheels,其中bytes代表互联网,wheels代表传统汽车,二者相结合即为拜腾的产品定位。采用其Byton品牌以及线条的VI元素完美融入到结构墙体中; The original idea for Byton was Bytes on Wheels, where bytes represents the Internet and wheels represents traditional cars; the combination of these result in the product positioning of Byton. The Byton brand and VI elements are perfectly integrated into the structural wall. 嵌入品牌VI元素的墙体 Wall with Branded VI Element 黑底白色灯带的形象墙 Black Background with White Light Image Wall 三、行业个性在空间上的抽象化应用 3. Abstract Interpretations of Industrial Personality is Applied Throughout the Space inDeco考虑其行业个性,将车的行驶轨迹中的迹字本土化处理,采用带有中国特色的水墨字“迹”应用到会议室;并且把车的赛道轨迹抽象化,应用到地面。 Considering industry personality, inDeco has localized tire tracks by transforming them into Chinese calligraphy in the conference room; they are also applied abstractly to the flooring. 水墨“迹”主题会议室 Calligraphy Style Tire Track Themed Conference Room 一层会议室的顶部、墙面以及地面均采用水墨“迹”元素,即延用抽象化的行业个性元素,又统一黑白灰整体色彩。 Along the top of the first-floor conference room, on the walls, and on the floors calligraphy style tire track elements are used. That is, the abstract industrial elements are used while unifying the black, white and gray color theme. 水墨“迹”的形象屏风 Calligraphy style tire track screens 会议室的门采用的屏风形式,可关可开,自由选择,即起到隔断隐蔽的实际作用,又符合个性化的装点整个区域。 The screens of the conference room can be opened or closed, allowing the freedom of choice. They play a practical role of separating and concealing while maintaining the unique decoration style of the entire area. 线性不规则分割的地面 Irregularly Segmented Floorplan 地面采用抽象化的车迹轨道,进行不规则线性分割,既体现企业性质又提升空间属性。 The layout utilizes an abstract floorplan; irregular divisions not only reflects the nature of the company but also enhances the spatial attributes of the area. 四、空间作用的充分体现 4. Fully Utilize All Available Space 拜腾南京办公室共有4层,其中一层为展示会客等对外区域,二-四层主要以内部员工使用。办公空间不仅需要满足办公、会议等企业的刚性需求,更应考虑人性化、健康化的员工关怀,间接提高工作效率让员工有归属感以及成就感。 Byton’s Nanjing office has 4 floors, the first floor is used as a display area and to receive guests, floors 2 through 4 are mainly used for internal employees. Office space must not only satisfy the demands of the company, such as number of offices and conference rooms, but must also consider employee care. A well-designed office can establish a sense of belonging and accomplishment, indirectly improving office efficiency. 茶水休闲区 Tea Lounge 整个空间每一层都设置了茶水休闲区,且均在每层中间区域,除了距离上便于各个方位的员工,更考虑集中性,为员工创造会面社交机会,活跃企业内部氛围。 Every floor includes a tea lounge, located in the middle of the office. In addition to providing convenience for employees in all directions, this location also creates opportunities for employees to meet and socialize, actively adding to the corporate atmosphere. 休闲区域的绿化 Greening of Recreational Areas 工业风本身的沉重感,长时间会让人感觉压抑,而inDeco在拜腾办公空间的工业风的应用上,采用活泼绿植装饰以及金色灯饰,平衡空间调性,便于员工的长时间办公。 After a while, the strong feeling of an industrial atmosphere may make employees feel depressed. inDeco uses lively green decorations and golden lights to balance the industrial tones of the Byton office space, making it easier for employees to work longer hours. 建立在三层中心的台阶会议区 Stair Style Conference Area Built in the Center of the Third Floor 学习、社交是个人成长最直接的方法;分享、讨论是最为有效的促进团队协作的方式;空间设计上需要做合理的区域规划,提供员工学习、社交、讨论以及分享的空间。inDeco在拜腾的办公空间设计上,同样贯彻这一点。 Learning and socializing are the most direct methods for personal growth; sharing and discussing are the most effective ways to promote teamwork; office design should provide areas for employees to learn, socialize, discuss, and share. inDeco was sure to implement these elements into Byton’s office space. 灵活的开放工位 Flexible Open Work Stations 正如拜腾将互联网与传统汽车行业相融合,inDeco艺格工装同样将互联网与传统装修行业相融合,主打智能化、人性化、设计感、健康化的设计理念,把国外全新的“办公模块设计”理念引入国内,并结合自有产品研发团队,全面提供从空间设计、材料搭配、产品选型到施工工艺控制的一体化服务体验,以此优化空间提升空间价值以此提高企业效率、带动企业发展以及商业营销的目标。 Just as Byton integrates the internet with the traditional automotive industry, inDeco’s tooling integrates the internet with the traditional decoration industry. By focusing on the design concepts of intelligence, humanity, design, and health, inDeco has introduced the new concept of “Module Office Design” domestically. In combination with its own R&D team, it provides an integrated service experience from space design, material collection, product selection, and construction process control. Through the optimization of space and enhancement of the value of space, the goal is to increase the efficiency, development, and commercial marketing of enterprises. “我们不是要革新汽车,而是让生活变得更加美好。” ——BYTON拜腾 “we do not just innovate cars, instead we make lives better” ——BYTON “我们不是要设计装修,而是通过改造空间让城市变得更加美好”——inDeco艺格工装 “we do not just design and renovate, instead we make cities better by transforming space” ——inDeco inDeco艺格工装负责设计装修的拜腾北京办公空间,也即将完工,尽请期待。查看更多拜腾办公空间靓照,请关注inDeco微信公众号:in-Deco。 Keep an eye out for inDeco’s design and decorations for Byton’s Beijing office. It will be completed soon. For more photos of Byton’s office space, follow inDeco on Wechat at: in-Deco.
项目名称:拜腾(BYTON)南京办公基地 Project Name: Byont Nanjing Office 设计范围:基地办公室 Design Range: Base Office 项目地点:南京红枫科技园 Project Location: Nanjing Hongfeng Science Park 项目面积:9890㎡ Project Size: 9890m2 设计机构:inDeco艺格工装(北京)科技有限公司 Design Company: inDeco Arts Tooling (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.