项目地址 | 峨眉国安公馆项目 面积 | 163㎡ 风格 | 现代 户型 | 四室两厅 设计 | 新视界设计事务所
Home is the spirit that guides how we live.
The core idea of the design is the attitude towards life, not only focusing on the beauty of home appearance, but whether it can bring a sense of belonging.
Early stage we are in functional partition stage, considering the integral demand of house advocate, kitchen dining-room does not make too big change. The original four rooms were converted into three, retaining a guest room and study, while the master bedroom was expanded to include a cloakroom and a storage room.
闲暇时光,小憩余舍, 阅一本书,品一杯茶,听一曲闲乐, 袅袅茶香里,阳光恰好经过,留下窗棂花影斑斓。
Leisure time, rest and rest, Read a book, drink a cup of tea, listen to a piece of music, Curl in the fragrance of tea, the sun just after, leaving the window lattice colorful.
The sitting room after transforming appears more capacious, weekend, old friend party, the aftertaste of the more that talk freely is green tea.
The TV wall adopts stone and customized wall panel, which echoes the background wall modeling of sofa. Rich in texture material, clean lines, make the space simple atmosphere.
Tie-in 45 degrees gray sofa, choose lake blue Italian velvet single chair ornament, balanced the light and shade relationship between colors. Contracted in revealing artistic grade, the detail is hidden in the structure is beautiful.
Hazy gauze shade, lake blue cotton hemp curtain just echo is worn the single chair of the sitting room, make the bouncing in eye shot a bright color, in the air of slow flow, with you frolic.
餐厅以轻奢家具为主,爵士白大理石餐桌,搭配黄铜吊灯,洋溢出主人的个性。 局部细节软装搭配,又彰显主人文艺浪漫主义情怀。
正如每一次世界旅途的所见,都投射成生活的美好灵感。 自此洗涤城市的烟火气,步入宁谧的世界。
As seen in every world journey, it is projected into the beautiful inspiration of life. From then on, the city's fireworks were washed away and the city entered a tranquil world.
The balcony is an interesting and romantic place forever, stylist USES plant and furniture of gray tone, draw the outline of "landscape of aerial courtyard" outline, let a home absorb natural nutrient further.
精致美好的生活,不是偶尔的仪式感,而是生活常态,哪怕只是一分钟的小习惯。 结束一天繁忙的工作,捧一本所爱之书,用生活所感去品读,品味阅读时光。
The exquisite and beautiful life is not the occasional ritual, but the normal life, even if it is just a minute of small habits. At the end of a busy day, read a book you love.
背景选用了米色系的棉麻硬包,灰咖色的定制墙板做点缀,颜色相对柔和很多,色彩饱和度低,有助于睡眠。 个性黄铜吊灯,视觉上形成一股极强的艺术张力。 黄铜轻奢质感,搭配灰咖色墙板,温润内敛,打造出一个时尚而精致的空间。